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I drove towards my apartment and once i arrived there i rapidly got out of my car and ran towards the house.I got in rapidly and realise that the house was just a complete mess.I didn't care about it so i just ran towards my bedroom.I got in and sat at my desk and turn my laptop on.Waiting for the annoying updates.I suddenly remembered something.I stood up and walk towards my wardrobe and stood on my tip toes and took the Gun case my brother got me for my birthday.Yeah Luke gave me a gun case for my birthday,this was the year dad died.He was shot.


I just got back of college(AN:i don't know if you call it college or highschool)and i was in my room listening to music when i heard a gun shot.I ran out of my room and went downstairs and saw my dad on the floor with blood on his stomach.I was terrified,I didn't know what to do.So i just cry.I was so shock.I ran towards the phone and immediately called the police.

"911 what is your emergency"A female voice said

I just told her my dad was shot in the stomach and blood was everywhere and he wasn't waking up.

Then the lady told me that an ambulance was coming my way and to tell my address and to just stay calm and that i should not touch my dad's body till the police arrived.So i obeyed.

I sat next to my dad's lifeless body and just cry and cry.

After some time the police arrived and the ambulance too.They took my dad's body and the police started to ask me question.I was so scared i told nothing,I just stayed mute.

Later on i finally told the police everything that happened and that my brother was training to become an officer for the FBI and they told me they were going to call him.

My dad was in critical and lost so much blood that the next day he didn't make it.I just lost my dad.I was alone noe.My mother died when i was a baby,she had cancer and my brother was training.

The day of the funeral there were many strangers who hug me,i was gross.I stayed at the cemetery and just look at his grave blankly.Then i felt a hand on my shoulder.I turn aroud and met my brothers teary eyes.He hug me but i didn't hug back.He knew why i didn't hug back but didn't say a thing.He let go and look at me

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

"You weren't there,you were never there"i said sobbing."You didn't saw all the blood" i said curling into a ball.

"I'm here now Bet"He said and hug me again.

*end of flashback*

I look at the gun case with tear running down my cheeks.I quickly wipe them off and open the gun case and there was my gun.It was my baby,my lucky charm.

I took it out and load it.When my computer's update were installed i sat at my desk and look for a file about Jessica Taylor.You know how i got this file, i took Luke's flash drive and copied the files on my pc so i have many criminal records on it even DOm.

I open the page of Jessica and saw that she is good with guns and good at fighting.Hmm a good opponnent.

If you didn't know i am good at street fighting and i can use all types of gun,I'm a good racer.

I saw a link on the same page of jessica.I open it and saw the name Ian shaw.

My blood ran cold.

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