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Dom just smirk at us.Oh how i wanted to slap it off.

Mia took jack in her arms and ran towards the door but stopped and stand beside dom

"I think Betty can explain it all"I gasp and she look at me and wink and mouth 'good luck'to me.Then she ran out of the bathroom with a giggling jack.

"so it's just me and you now...sweetheart"he said closing the door slowly, when it was finally closed he look at me and smirk.

"Did you hear the whole conversation"I asked worried.

"yeah "he simply said,taking a step towards me,i took one step backwards.

"You know i didn't mean it"i said keeping a straight face...at least trying.

"Really,you know it's not polite to lie"he said smirking AGAIN then he took another step towards me and i slightly back away.

"I'm not lying, why should I" i rapidly said and stutering at the same time.

"I don't know,you're talking rapidly and stuttering"he said taking 2 long strides towards me.I back away quickly but was quickly met by the coldness of the wall.

He walk towards me and block me.He put his hands on the side of my head and lean down looking straight into my brown eyes.

"What do you want dom"i asked while placing my hands on his chest.He look at methen i my hands on his chest.He then look at me and i realised that his eyes has darkened with lust.

He put his hands on my waist and pull me against him and his 'mini him' was poking my hips and i suddenly felt warmth down there(if you know what i mean).

He lean near my ear and huskily whispered

"You don't know what you're doing to me"he said.I shook my head no and then he he smashed his lips on mine and i immediately respond by kissing back.I wrapped my hands behind his neck.He cupped my ass and lift me off the ground so that he could get access to my neck.He started peperring kisses on my neck and bit it lightly.I moan then he kissed me again and tried to put his tongue in my mouth but i did not let him so he tickles my side making me giggle.He took that as his chance and shove his tongue in my mouth.Then he sat me on the washing machine like Jack and things got pretty heated.He tried to take my shirt off but i wouldn't let him so he just rip it in two.I pull back and gasp

"Hey it was Mia's shirt"i said

"ì don't care"he said smiling then he attack my lips again but massaging my breast at the same time.i was moaning extremely loudly.

We were so in the make out session that we didn't here the door open.

"Ahhh my poor virgin eyes"we hear a manly voice said

Dom pull away and i look behind him and saw Tej' here fake surprised.

"Dom did you grab dat ass or did you slap it."he ask

"he grabbed it"i replied

"Man,what happen to your shirt,oh and by the way cute bra"he said smirking

i gasp and hid behind dom.

"What you doing here"dom ask.

"i just wanted to use the loo" he said smiling"but i don't want to anymore because i don't know what you did on it"he continued

"we didn't do anything Tej'" i said hiding my expose chest

"it don't seem like it"he said. "You know that your a dead man"he said to dom.

"Why"dom said

"Fucking the big cop's sister"Tej said shooking his head no as if dissapointed.

"We didn't fuck"i argued.

"okay okay don't get your pants in a twist"he said.

"what"i asked confused

"Nothing just hurry up Hobbs is looking for you"he said then left.

I look at Dom and he was already looking back at me.I smile and he smile back.It was the best make out sesseion i had in my entire life.

"I think we should go"i said

"i don't want to"dom said smiling at me.He came towards me and put his arms around my waist.He peck my lips and he pull back and i peck his lips quickly and ran out of the bathroom.I ran towards the stairs but unfortunately i hit something hard.I stumble and look up to come face to face with a shock Luke.But then it turn to confusion then anger when Dom ran out of the bathroom but stop abruptly when he saw luke.


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