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Here we are in the warehouse waiting for the others ; suki, tego and don. I was looking at what was under the hood of Dom's Car with amazement.

Suddenly we heard engines an all turn towards the entrance of the warehouse. A purple Honda s2000 and a black truck with 2 NOS tanks in the back came to an halt next to my car. The driver side door of the Honda opened and an Asiatic like girl got out and Tej ran up to her.

"Suki long time no see gal"

Suki smiled and hug him. "What did you do to your hair dude?"

"Story time is for another day come on, we have work to do" Tej said.

They walked towards us and i saw don and tego looking at me up and down.I felt an arm go around my shoulder and hear Dom's voice.

"Sorry guys she's taken" I smile at them and put my arm around his waist.

"My name is suki" The Asiatic girl said looking at me with a small smile.I shook her hand.

"Mine is Elizabeth but you can call me Betty"I said smiling at her.

Then everyone was introducing themselves and vice versa.

Luke walked in the warehouse with a worried look on his face.He told Suki, tego and don about what the problem was about.

''Okay so we need to stop a guy named Ian who killed three people in your team and stop his team too. Wow i think i'm going to love this life''Suki said smiling.

''Okay guys the public cameras recorded this video''Luke said.And then he pressed play on the remote control.We could see 6 black racing cars parked. The first one driver's side door opened and Ian got out and the passenger door opened to and a girl with Straight black hair and some brown highlights got out. she was dress in black. Black pants, black tank top and black jacket even black boots.Jessica Taylor. 0.O

Dom looked angry really angry.I look at him and said

''It's her isn't it''He look at me and nodded with a murderous glint in his eyes.

Afterwards we could see the cars starting again and speeding off.

"Where are they going?"Dom asked.

"We have some undercover agents following them and they told me that they are driving towards a street race."Luke said looking at all of us.

"Tell your undercover agents to follow there every move were not going there now.We are going to look at there files one by one and learn every single things about them.The last time we attack them without knowing them well,they kidnapped Mia. I don't want a repeat" Dom said in an authoritative voice.

Everyone nodded and took at least one of the files that Luke placed on the table in the middle of the room.

By chance i got the file of the 'bitch'. Oh Joy!

TAYLOR Jessica. I prefer jessica the Bitch.She was married but she killed her husband as self defense.My ass.

She street fights,street race and does some martial art stuffs. A good opponent. She knows how to use a gun also.My evil twin.

I drop her file on the table and sigh. I walk towards Dom who had Ian's file in his hand.He was tense, staring at Ian's Photo. I place my hands on his shoulder and start to massage him.

"You want a massage?"I asked him kissing his neck.

He look at me smiling,stood up, drop Ian's file and put his hands on my hips.

"Look at everyone here''he said looking around.

''I will be really quiet, i Promise" i said smirking.

He smile and walked towards the back of the warehouse where the rooms are. He grinned when we got in the room and pushed me on the bed.

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