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*EDITED*( omg so much mistakes I cringed at myself)


Me,Dom and the rest of the team-Family- are heading to Roman's private beach.

Yeah he bought a private beach with his millions.

I'm sitting in the passenger seat of dom's charger and he's driving.

I turn and look at him and lean in to peck his cheek but as the cheeky bastard he is,he turn his face to get the peck on his lips.He look at me smiling and i smile back and start to think.

What would be my life if he was not there?What i would do without him?He is my hero,he saved me from falling from a tank and saved me from Owen...

"What are you thinking about babe?" Dom said interrupting my thoughts.

"About you,How you are always there for me." i replied looking at him

"You know i will always be there for you Forever and Always'' He said

"Yeah i know,I love you Dom"I said truthfully

"I love you too Letty"he said

Finally we arrived at the private beach and i got out of the car and started to walk towards the sea. Suddenly i felt as if someone was watching me.

I turn around and i didn't see nothing in particular just Dom walking towards me and i started smiling like crazy.Then he wrap me in his big arms and we just stayed like that.

"I love you"he finally said

"I love you too Dom"

Then i felt the stare again and look behind Dom towards the sand hill on the beach and there was a group of guys with guns in there hand and i could see a girl too with a gun watching towards us with hate and i could sense that the hate was directed to me.

"DOM look behind you"I told him.He turn around and his eyes widened

"AMBUSH" He shouted and like that they started to shoot in our direction and i took Dom's hand and ran towards the sea and dove into the water.The shooting continued for about a minute and then stopped we took that as our cue to run out of the water and run towards the car.

Dom opened the trunk and he took his Mossberg 590 marine{AN if you don't know which gun It is google it ;) } and gave me a CCW gun.

I ran towards Brian's and Mia's car to find that they were fine.Mia was hugging tightly a crying jack and Brian was fuming with rage and comforting Mia and jack.

"Come on Brian, let's kill some bastards"I said.

He look at Mia unsure and she just nodded saying she'll be fine.He nodded and took his gun a CCW like me and we got out of the car and started to shoot where necessary.I already killed two.

I look over at where Dom was and saw he was fighting a tough guy but Dom was tougher.Then i saw another guy running towards them and trying to aim at Dom and i shot him.

I look at Dom to see if he was fine.Suddenly i heard a gun shot and an unbearable pain on the stomach then inside. I started to choke and look down and my shirt was covered with blood.

I collapse on the sand and heard Dom shouting my name.I turn the other way and saw the girl from earlier smirking at me and waving then she ran away.My breathing was slowing down....


I look behind me and saw Letty with blood on her shirt and collapse on the sand and kept looking at me then turn to look the other way and i saw a girl with brown hair smirking at her and waving then she ran off.That BITCH.

I broke the guy's neck and broke it in one swift movement and ran towards Letty.

"LETTY" I shouted and the guys who ambush us were running away.

I craddle Letty in my arms,she look at me with a small smile.NO NO NO this can't be happening .

"LETTY"I hear Mia shout.I look up and saw her running towards us and she started to cry when she saw Letty.

"Don't cry mi, I'm fine"she said.Everyone was there and crying

"That bitch will pay Let I promise Letty"I said. I look up at Mia with pleading eyes. She looked at me and shook her head no.

I look down at Letty and hug her.

"Dom,Promise me to protect the family"She said

"I promise Letty"

Then her eyes started to flutter and she look at me.

"I love you"She whispered then closed her eyes to an endless sleep.

"Letty,Letty,LETTY"i said loudly

"Wake up baby"I said while hugging her

Mia started to cry loudly and the other guys were crying too

She's really dead........

The funeral was difficult for everyone in the family and Hobbs and Elena were there too....


A.N Hey guys i'm so happy. I'm a huge fan of fast and furious and when i saw Fast and furious 6 i wanted to write a story in my way

Don't hate me because i kill Letty in it.


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I love you guys <3

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