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Betty's pov

Me and Elena drove to the races and when we arrived there we saw that many people were already there with there cars.

Some guy with racer chasers in his arms making out with two girls at a time. Eww gross.

Me and Elena pushed through the crowds and we park our cars.Elena was already out of her car.She made a signal with her hands for me to get out of my car.You wanna know why?Because of my brother,he would kill me if he knew that i street race,like literally kill me.

I opened my car door and step out of the cars ignoring the wolf whistles and the glares . I'm not fat nor skinny.I have the body that all guys want but they never get.I lean against my car and just look around.

"Hey chica"I look at Elena and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Will you race tonight?"she asked


"Hey Bet"someone told me.i look up and saw Hector

"Hey hector watcha doing?"

"I'm collecting the cash For the race,you in?"he asked

"Yeah "

"Okay 2 grands to get in,winner takes all"

"Okay I'm in"I said handing him $ 2000

I got in my car and check the NOS and start my car and it roars to life.I revved the engine. I started to drive towards the starting line.

Finally on the starting line i just stay in my car till the race starts.There were already two guys there waiting in their car. They were checking my car and trying to see who was in the driver's seat.Fortunately my car's windows were tinted and they didn't see the driver.

Suddenly i heard an engine revved.I look in my rear view mirror and saw that it was the Team Toretto. And when Dom got out of his car, his eyes fell on my car and he was eyeing it suspiciously.

Hector walk towards him and start to talk to him.Some seconds later he took a wad of cash from his pocket and gave it to Hector.

He was going to race.SHIT.He got in his car and it roars to life. He started to drive towards the starting line.He stop his car right beside me and he was looking at who was in the driver's seat of my car.

I look straight ahead not wanting him to figure that it was a girl in the driving seat.

Then a girl barely dressed name as a skank walk through the cars and lift her arms up.

I was gripping the steering wheel so hard my knuckles were white.Then she drop her arms and i pressed my feet against the pedal.

We all took off and i was neck to neck with Toretto.Me and toretto were first and i look in my rear view mirror and saw the other too guys trying to keep up with us.


I saw the finish line and waited for the good moment to press it. I pushed the little red butn and saw that Toretto too has pressed on his NOS button.

We were like flying.I love the adrenaline.We pass the finish line together and i sigh frustrated. I look up in the crowds who were cheering and that's when i saw him.LUKE HOBBS. Ahhhhh i'm dead,Im soo dead.

Toretto got out of his car and look at my car smiling. I opened my door and step out and everyone stood there shock.

Hector gave me 4 gr and Toretto 4 grands and i look at Toretto, he was shock that a girl could keep up with him. He walk towards me slowly and then he stand there looking at me.I stood there looking at him in a challenging way and he finally cut the silence.

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