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Betty's pov

I was in the kitchen making a sandwich because i was hungry and bored out of my mind.I was eating early because there will be a race later and i know that when i will return home i would be tired.I finished preparing my sandwich and took a huge bite.Yum the tasty goodness.

I went in the living room and sat on the couch, took the remote and started to flip through the channel.I finally settle on an action movie named 'The expendables'. I love this type of movie.

While watching the movie my phone went off. It was Elena.Yeah the co-worker of my lovely brother(note my sarcasm).She was telling me that she will come at my place to get ready, because she was going to the race with me.

I text her back okay and head to my bedroom.I open my closet and started to look for an outfit.

10 minutes later i didn't find a perfect outfit for the race then i heard a car pull up,assuming it was Elena i waited for her to come in and as normal she didn't knock or ring just got in and i hear her footsteps getting closer to my room.

I stood up and went to my door and open it and i saw that she was going to knock.I smile and gestured her to come in.

"Hi" she said while sitting on my bed and taking out her outfit from her bag.

"Hi,i don't know what to wear"i told her

"Oh my god,critical situation Elizabeth Jillian Hobbs doesn't know what to wear"she said in fake shock and fake gasping for air.

"hahaha very funny but you need to help me we have" i turn around and look at the clock and its 6 "OH MY GOD WE JUST HAVE 1 HOUR.SHIT."

"Okay don't panic.Let's see what you have in the closet"she said while walking towards my closet.

Elena is very very kind and she is a very good friend.

"I got the perfect outfit"She held up black skinny jeans and a black tank top with a black jacket.

Oh my i think i will go in black today.

"It's a sexy outfit and i know that there will be many whistles from the guys tonight"she said grinning

"Elena i don't think tha-"

"Pretty Please you can't stay all alone for the rest of your life Bet" she said showing her puppy dog eyes

"I guess i will be in black then"i said smiling

"YEAH" she shouted "go change"she pushes me in the bathroom

"Don't be pushy"

I got in the bathroom took a shower then i wrap myself up. I put some underwear and put my outfit on. I got out of the bathroom and Elena gasp

"Dios mio mira te que Hermosa esres" She said in Spanish (MY GOD LOOK AT YOURSELF YOU'RE GORGEOUS)

"Gracias Elena"I said smiling shyly(THANK YOU ELENA)

"Okay i'm going to get ready,see ya" she said walking towards the bathroom and waving at me.

I put on my black combat boots and then put my hair in a high ponytail and sat on my bed waiting for elena. I'm not a girly girl and don't wear make up when i race and i don't need make up.

Elena finally got out and she was wearing black shorts and a black tank top with white boots she let her hair down and already had makeup.

"ready to go"she said smiling

"Yep" i said popping the "P"

We got out of the house and i lock the door.She got in her car and i got in mine.It was a V8

We head to the race and i was feeling a bit uncomfortable like something would happen.

Mia pov

I was with Jack in brian's car and i was playing with him and baby talking to him..

"Do you love daddy's car"i said

He look at me curiously and started to giggle.

"i will take that as a yes"I mumble and smile as he starts to poke my cheeks.

I chuckle and i heard a bang.Jack jump in my lap and look at me curiously and i smile at him and he giggle.

I look up and saw Dom getting in his car and starting the car.When it roars to life he smiles in victory and jack starts to giggle.

He was staring at me intently and giggling at the same time.I got out the car and walk towards Dom car.

"Jack loves the sound of the engine when it roars"I said to Dom

He look at Jack and revved the engine and Jack giggle again

"You see he'll be a racer one day"i say looking at Dom.

He look at me and sigh. I look at him worriedly

"What is it Dom? "I asked him

"Nothing, you coming at the race tonight" he asks me

"No i need to look after jack"I replied

"Take care of my prince Mia"he said smiling.

I put jack down as he now can walk a bit and took Dom's face in my hands and make him look at me

"Promise me that you will forget everything about the murder and accept the fact that Letty is in a better place Dom"I said

"It's difficult Mia, Very difficult."

"Please Dom Promise"I said sternly

"I-I Promise Mia"

"Good, I want the old Dom back Please"I said smiling and putting a kiss on his forehead.

"He is coming back Mia"he said

I smile and look behind me to find Jack trying to lift a wrench

"Hey what are you doing''I said looking at him, he looks at me and smile innocently

"A true Toretto"I hear Dom say

"I love you Dom"

"I love you too Mia"

Just then Brian got out and got into his car, I went towards him and kiss him on the lips and he looks at jack and waves at him who waves back shyly.

I smile at Brian and wish him good luck...

"Thank you"he replied.

And then they were off.

I look at jack and went towards him and took him in my arms

"I think it's just you and me now baby boy"I said smiling at him and he smile back.



Second chapter

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