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After Dom's and I intimate moment,we got a phone call from Brian.He told us that they knew where Ian and his team were.So we got back home.

I park my car behind Dom's car and got out.He was waiting for me.I took his hand and sigh.I don't really know what will be Luke's reaction when he sees me,You wanna know why.. Because I have love bites on my neck and jawline,so i am potentially dead.

We got in the house and everyone were talking.

"So what did you find out about Ian?"Dom ask, everyone turn around and i heard a groan.I look at Luke and he was glaring at Dom.You could feel the tension in the air.

I let go of dom's hand and clap my hands

"Kay spill it luke,what information do you have about Ian"i asked.
He took a deep breath and started to talk.

"As we expected they are in a warehouse and your going to flip when you know where?"he said still glaring at dom.

"Where Luke?"

"Yeah spill it out Hulk"Roman said.We all turn towards him and look at him with the 'WTF look'.He put his hands over his head in surrender but didn't say a thing.


"What they attack us in cali the they ran out to london"mia said shocked

"yeah they are there,we spotted racing cars.The same cars spotted near the beach the day of the ambush"luke said.

"soo we need to go to london?"i ask


"why london"mia said

"His brother got a lot of warehouse as hides to be able to try to take down THE DT team and also london police has already intervened with Owen's team and they could not take them down without some of cali's police force,so they are free there.But there intention are not to just live freely without extradition like they rule london.There intention are to take down your team starting with Han, gisele- who was killed before on the plane- and Letty,"

I felt dom tense beside me,i took his hand and squeezed it.He look at me and smiled.

"They already killed 3 and we are really in need of new team mates"

"Who to trust Hobbs" dom said.

"Elena" i blurted out. Luke and dom nodded in approval.

"Rico and Tego"Mia said.The guys nodded.

"Suki"Tej said smirking.Luke look at him curiously."My ex good with guns"

"oh ok"Luke said and nodded.

"i guess it's all for now"I said

"Yeah, now go pack your things we're heading to london guys"Dom said loudly.

Everyone went to there room or headed to there cars.But Luke stood there his back to us.
He turn around and look straight at Dom then at me.He sighed then walk pass us,saying nothing.

I look up at dom and he was already looking at me.

"Go pack"he said

"kay"I turn around and started to head out but dom keep a firm grip on my wrist.I look at my wrist covered with his hand then look up."wha-"

His lips smashed to mine and i couldn't help but moan.My hands went to his neck and his went to grab my butt but someone clearing her throat made us pull apart.
"Mia?"dom asked annoyed and his voice deeper.

"I was just telling you two that there is a kid in this house and to keep the PDA for later when Jack is not in the room.I gasp and turn around to see that jack was in her mum's arm looking confused at us then he started to giggle uncontrollably like he knew what happened between me and his uncle.He was soo cute.

I smile at him a he giggle more.

"sorry mia we didn't know if the little cutie was there"i said

"hey!!!!"dom exclaimed.

"What"i said looking at him seriously

"Don't flirt him"he said

I laughed so hard that tears were sliding down my cheeks then calmed down.I look at dom with an "Are you serious look"

"Your jealous of a 2 year old dom?"

he nodded slowly.I sigh and look at mia who was looking at us funnily.

"Whatever,I need to head home to pack"I said kissing doms cheek and then hug mia and kiss jack's cheek and ran out. I got in my car and put it on reverse.I drove to my flat.

I got out of my car and ran towards my flat.I open my flat door and headed to my room to pack.I got my duffle bag out and threw everything i could in it.After that was done i call elena and told her about the plan and asked her if she would come.


"okay no need to shout"i told her.'Pack your things and meet me at the toretto"i told her
"kay"then she hung up.

I grab my duffel and headed out of the apartment locking the door and got in my car and return at the toretto's household.

I got out of my car and knock on the front door.It opened and it was DOm. I smile at him and he stood aside and let me walk in.Everyone was there and Elena too surprisingly.

"Took you long enough"Roman said.

I glared at him

"Lets go guys" dom said.He took my hand and we headed out.Everyone got in there car and drove to the airport.

When we arrive there Luke Brian and Dom went to make arrangement for shipment of our cars.
¨We have a private jet who is waiting for us ¨Luke said

Roman whistle then we all follow him and when we arrived there,There were cops there like 20 of them.I started to feel uneasy like everyother guys.Dom and and brian return again and glared at the cops.

¨kay guys Suki,Tego and Rico will meet us at London¨

All of us nodded and luke told us to get in the jet.

I walk in and I sat beside dom. He look at me and smile,I smile back and kiss his cheeks.

¨Ready?¨he asked.I nod and smile

¨London here we come¨i said out loud making dom laugh

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