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As promised guys. Its the last chapter, then there is the epilogue...

We were all driving towards that garage. I look at dom's car, he was guiding us to where the garage is.

Then we saw a rusty sign with Josh's Garage written with block letters.

We all stopped our cars and i took a deep breath and got out. Luke wasn't here he said that he had a backup plan.. We'll see

We could die in there we don't know what may happen.

I walked towards dom. And grabbed his hands in mine.

"Promise me dom, that you won't get killed.."i said looking at him with worried eyes.

"I promise i won't get killed" dom said and pecked me on the lips.

We all walk towards the team where they were standing waiting.


We walk inside the garage and saw Ian and his team mates. He had a smirk on his face and was holding Jessica's hand.B"tch.

She was looking at me with pure hatred. The feeling's same..

"I saw you made it toretto. But where is hobbs he was the one who got the message" ian said.

"He couldn't come as his arm is broken." Dom answered.

"Why would he use his hands?"he asked sarcastically.

This time i answered

"He wanted to smash your head in a wall till you died. Isn't that fun?" I ask him smirking..

He just look at me.

"We didn't come to talk. Where is Ramsey?"Dom said seriously.

"You thought that you could come here and fetch the little princess. You and your team are not getting out this garage alive Toretto" Ian said just then we saw a lot of guys walking out behind ian with guns pointed towards us.

I took in a sharp breath and heard them charge their guns.

"GET DOWN" I hear behind me. Luke.

I quickly got down covering my head with my hands and saw he and some of his team mates had FUCKING MACHINE GUNS in hands and were shooting everywhere. I look up and saw ian's team mates ran away, all the guys that were with guns were probably dead.

We all started to stand up.

"Hobbs that was your backup plan?" Roman said waving his hands in the air

"Yeah everytime someone want to hurt my sister or family i'll do the same. I am what is called a big bad brother."(a.nsee what i did there) he said smiling at me. I smile back

But then i saw that dom was tackled by ian.

Where did he come from?

Then all hell broke loose everyone was fighting a dude from Ians team. Poor brian was fighting a small Asian guy who was obviously a pro in Martial arts. I look around and saw a head of black hair upstairs getting inside a room in a hurry. Jessica.

I quickly run towards the stairs and when i got on the first floor i could hear Jessica threatening someone.

"You think that someone would come save you."she said

"I know that they came saving me" RAMSEY

I walk in the room quietly and i knew that ramsey saw me. I look at her then at the gun that was in Jessica's hand. She immediately understood what she had to do

I was creeping on jessica i was a bit behind her and said loudly. 'NOW'

Jessica turn around caught off guard and ramsey knocked the gun out her hands.

I then punch her in the nose.

"Run ramsey"she nodded and ran out taking the gun with her.

Oh hand to hand combat then.

"I didn't get to finish with you the other day. I intend to finish it"I said getting in a fight position(an:pic up there^)

"You'll die before you get to do that" she said and punch me in the face.

I stumble back and spit blood. I put my feet down tripping her as she came to punch me again. I got on top of her and started to beat the hell out of her.

She grabbed me by my legs and smashed me in the wall that was beside us. A wrestler she is.

I smashed my fist on her back and she let go of me with a groan. I slam my right foot in her face and i heard a sickening crush.

An eye for an eye. She split my lip, i smash her nose.

I grabbed her by the neck and slammed her head in the wall. I don't how she got to grab me but she did and pushed me with so much force i slammed in a large window cracking it.

When trying to catch my breath she came at me again i just slammed my fist in her face. She got back to her feet and went to slam her right foot in my face. I grabbed it. She was wearing fuckin heels. I said through gritted teeth.

"I always hated heels."and i twisted her legs i knew i pulled on a muscle when she shouted but slam her other feet in my stomach.

I slammed in a wall. My back was throbbing. I look at her and saw the glass behind her and got an idea.

I ran full speed at her and slammed into her and she also grabbed me and we went in the glass smashing it and falling down.

And we crashed in a car. I groaned and started to get off the car. I ended up falling down on the hard floor.

I heard a gun cock and look up and saw jessica with a gun in her hands. You could see she was tired. Her mouth was bloody and she had cuts on her face.

"Hey bitch" i heard. I look where i heard the voice and saw ramsey holding Doms Mossberg Gun.

"Say goodbye slut" i said

Then ramsey fired and jessica flew away with a big hole in her stomach dead.

I look at Ramsey thankful. She walked towards me and helped me up. I put my arm around her neck and we walked quickly out the garage.

Ramsey opened my car door and i got in the drivers seat starting it.

"You sure you can drive." She said.

"Yeah put your seatbelt on"

I started the car and drive fast smashing the big garage doors. I look around and saw brian running like crazy away from the asian guy. I accelarated and when i got near him he look up hearing my engine and stopped running. Dumbass. And he smashed against the car.he litteraly flew up and his head slammed on the floor when he fell down.


Everyone was out now but not dom and luke.The police force were there and lukes team too waiting to arrest ian. Where were THEY?

Just then the door opened and out walked luke and dom pretty beat up and a really really beat up Ian.

I smile when dom stopped next to me. I just hugged him.

Then i kissed him with all my might.


"Wherever you go, I go. You ride, I ride. You fight, I fight. And if you ever die on me, I'm gonna die with you." ~ Letty Ortiz

Hey everyone last chapter then there'll be an epilogue

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Personally the fight part is my favourite..


Love you all


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