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The next day everyone was doing something. Mia was taking care of jack.Brian was helping Dom with the cars.Tej and suki were doing some things on the computers or maybe flirting,dont know. Tego and dom were nowhere to be found but it didn't bother us and Luke and I were playing with some guns. Not kidding we were shooting targets and Rome was cheering.

I look up at the screens that Luke had installed when something caught my eyes. One of the screen showed a street racing place and you could see everything happening there.

"Guys gals look at that "i said frowning. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

Dom rolled out from under the car covered on sweet. Some people may find this disgusting but I find if sexy.i know im weird.

" Looks like they are going to street race. Hobbs are your team there.?"Dom asked .

"No unfortunately and I don't think they will get there in time."he replied

I look at dom smirking.

"You know what that means."i said.

"Lets go race"he said loudly. I smile and walk towards the bedrooms to change.

* skip car ride*

We got to the race in a V formation dom in the lead.

We parked our cars and I hop out, mia rode with me.When we got out man guys were checking us out.

I walked towards dom car and mia went towards brian's.

I sat on his car hood and look around and saw Ian. I instantly look down. Dom walk towards me and said.

"There's a guy roman and Luke threaten and he got some interesting information. There's gonna be a party tonight. Dress code classy"

"and..."i said smiling

"we got invitations"he said pecking me on the lips.

"I have to look for a dress."

"Mia and suki will help you"he said kissing my neck. I nodded not capable of saying anything.

"you wanna race?" dom ask me.

"Yeah"i said.

I hop off the hood and walk towards my car and got in.

''Just drive towards the starting line and wait for someone to come and race ya.Its 2 grand.I already paid."

"Thanks"i said pecking him on the lips.

He walked to the side where the team was waiting and cheering.

Some minutes later I heard the rumble of an engine. I look to my left and saw non other than...

Jessica Taylor


Betty outfit on the side

Be fast Be furious *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now