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After that dom told me to sleep a bit. When i woke up he was not there but ramsey was sitting there.

I smile at her and said.

"Hey sista" she, suki,mia and elena were trully my sisters. Not by blood but by heart...

"Hey i just wanted to tell you that i'm heading out for a while.Roman asked me out."she said giggling.

I started to laugh and told her.

"Finally.He grew some balls.But you know what i always say. Don't do anything i won't. Or if you do use protection."

"Betty"she exclaimed slapping my arm.i just laughed at her.

She stood up and started to walk out...

"Ramsey wait.. Be careful. You don't know whats awaiting you out there" i told her seriously.

"I'll be careful. Bye." She replied walking out..

"Bye"i whisper. I had a really bad feeling.


I got up and showered quickly. And quickly put on some clothes. Black tank top,black skinny jeans,a jacket and my favorite pair of combat boots. I let my hair down and walk out of the room

Dom and brian were placing guns in there cars and suki was doing 'things' in hers with Tej. Oh god. I look away chuckling. I look at don and tego and smiled at them and they waved back.

Mia went at elena's place for protection.

I look around and didn't saw roman .obviously

I walk towards tej and said.

"Roman, finally grew some balls to take Ramsey on a date?"

"What no. He didn't ask her?" He said confused.

"He didn't ask her out then where is he?"i said worried.

"Looking for me Betty" i heard rome say. I turn around and saw him there eating a sandwich.

Oh no...

"Dom we have a problem"i said walking towards him and brian.

" Ramsey talked to me this morning and told me that rome asked her on a date, but he is here"

Dom look at me then at brian. A silent conversation going on between them.

Just then Luke walk in.

"Guys you have to see that"he says.

He went to one of the pc and put a pendrive in.

"I just got it"

He opened a file named 'Video1' and what i saw made my blood boil.

Ramsey was being held by Jessica by her hair with a gun to her temple. You could see that she was crying.

Her eyeliner or something like that was smudged on her cheeks.

Then Ian started to talk.

"I did not know that your team mates were so easy to get to Toretto. Well if you don't want to see her die i suggest to come meet me. We have things to settle.Meet me at Josh's old garage." Then the video ended..

"You know where this Josh garage is at" i ask dom.

"Yeah, get ready were going. That son of bitch is getting on my nerves"he said through gritted teeth

We all got ready and got in our cars.

Get ready Ian were coming at you.


Oh my god guys shit about to go down!!!!

Shorter i know but i'm a bit lazy today so yep

Hope you enjoyed that chapter.



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Love you all if i get at least 8 votes i will update.

The last chapter is already written. So excited..


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