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^^Shitty chapter title up there

Read authors note at the end...


Everyone in the team scrambled away from the table and ran towards their car. Dom, Brian and I more likely sprinted towards ours.

When i got in my car i quickly started it up and drove outside. I called mia waiting for her to answer.

"Hello" i heard her say. Sighing in relief i said.
"Mia where are you? Its betty"

"Oh im at the small home me and brian rented for the job" she replied worriedly

"Is jack with you? Are you alone? Mia answer quickly." I said hurriedly into the phone.

"Im alone bet.What is happening? What is it Bet?" She said

"Mia your in danger okay. We are coming to fetch you. Make sure jack is somewhere safe."i replied quickly and hung up.

I took the walkie talkie that was connected to every driver in the team and told them where mia was.

Dom,Brian and i were the only one going there while the others went with luke as he knew where Ians team was.

We got to the house and dom ran out of his car. I stopped brian. It was dangerous if more than one of us went there.

Dom stopped as his phone started to ring. Mia opened the door looking confused and stepped out.

Dom looked at the phone frowning but took the call.Mia walked towards him and asked who it was.

I had a really bad feeling of this.

Dom pov.

I put the phone to my ears and heard his voice.

"Dominic Toretto you may have fought me but you don't know me....

Your about to" he hung up and i heard beeping sound in the distance.

My eyes went wide,i then grabbed mia and pulled her as the house exploded.

Betty and brian hid behind their cars and i used myself as a shield for mia. I could hear mia scream. Thank god jack wasn't there.

I got off Mi and pulled her up. Brian got to her quickly and we all got in the cars.

I look in my rear view mirror and saw that betty looked fine and driving well.

I did not have time to think as i heard gunshots.
Betty pov

I drove as fast as i could as i heard the gunshots.

If i get my hands on Ian im going to kill him with my bare hands. How could he do that. I hope that mia is fine. Jack.

I took my talkie walkie and told dom and brian.

"We have to lose those bastards or kill them and get to Jack."

"Losing them is our priority. Elena got jack at a safe place. I'm gonna call her and tell her to go to the warehouse."i heard mia say shakily

"Ok, lets do that. guys get your guns at the ready." I say and charge my gun while driving.

Thankfully the road was like a straight line or i would have already crash.

I took a deep breath and make a U-turn and shot at the persons behind me.

"BETTY" I heard dom shout. I shook my head and continued to shot.

One of the cars crashed in a nearby house. I duck as a bullet did a hole in my windshield and i did another u turn. Dom was also shooting at them. With his mosberg gun he was exploding the cars. God i feel like i'm in GTA.

We all drifted round the corner i look at dom and he was already looking at me. I nodded and him too. He made the same gesture to brian and we all pressed our NOS buttons and shot forward losing the bastards.

We drove back to the warehouse after that. Everyone was there some pretty banged up.

Mia and brian ran to jack who was crying in Elena's arm. I look at them and smiled. They were okay.

"When you call me he was asleep so he jolt awake when i grabbed him to get away and he is still crying" i heard elena say.

"What happened" i asked everyone.

"Met with Shaw's guys he got a fricking ninja in his team. Your bro broke his arm." Roman says.

"You didn't tell us that jessica was a fricking catcher. Almost lost my life. Twice." Suki said. Her lip was busted and her cheek was bruised.

"Sorry. She did this to you" i told her shock.

"Don't worry i got her pretty well too" she said fist bumping me. "And what happened to you guys."she finished.

"Shaw exploded the house mia and Brian were staying. And we were chased by some of shaws guys. Gunshots. The total."i said shrugging.

"About that we need to talk."dom told me.

I look at him and walk towards our room. I walk in and sigh when Dom closed the door.

"Why did you put your life in danger like this bet."dom ask me in an angry tone.

"I don't know i wanted to protect us i think." I replied looking down.

"By exposing yourself to a rain of gunshots." He said angrier.

"Im sorry dom. But i was so scared to lose one of you that i acted on instinct and did that." I said with a low voice.

"Its okay babe. Im sorry for getting angry at you. I can't lose you Betty." He said softly.

He leant in and kissed me and i kissed back. He pushed me on the bed and hovered me. It was getting heated when there was a knock on the door.

"Come on lovebirds. You'll have sex after the job." I heard roman say. I could hear several laughs and i blushed.

I look at dom and peck him.

"We'll finish this later." I told dom.

"Obviously" he said huskily.


Hey everyone i know that the part where the house explodes is included in furious 7 but i changed it in the story and the toretto house is still here.YAY!!!

I could not do that to the house where the main characters lived.

Also im blocked there i don't know what to write next im working on it right now... In my head. Lol.

Im going to think if i can write another fast and furious story.

Maybe a sequel if theres f&f 8 but i want to finish with my Game Of Thrones book.

Thank you so much for all the votes and comments and reads.

Love you all

Taratata lovelies✌

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