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I look at them shock and...petrified.Mia was just trying to contain her laughter.
"Yeah Bet tell them what you will do"she said smiling,finally controlling her laughter.

I turn around and look at her with pleading eyes and mouth 'stop' to her, she sigh and stood up.
"I'm going to check if jack is already up or not"i look at her relief and confused at the same time .
"Who's jack"i ask

"My baby boy,his 2"

"OH MY GOD you have a baby and you didn't told me" i said shocked"i absolutely adore babies even if one bit my finger when i tried to take his baby bottle"i said smiling at the thought and showing Mia the scar on my thumb.

"Ouch i bet it was painful"she said

"Not at all it was like tickles"she look at me like i had 2 heads,but i was just smiling at her."So when do i get to meet that little boy"

"Follow me"she said walking towards the stairs.

"Hey will you tell me what you will do"Luke said.

"No,you don't need to know na na na"i said childishly and stuck my tongue out at him.Dom just laugh.I ran towards the staircase following Mia leaving Luke there astound.

Mia got in the room next to hers and brian and there in a blue crib was a very very cute baby with brown hair just like mias and blue eyes just like brians.He was on his back his arms and legs up and was just staring at me curiously with wide blue eyes.I smile at him and he giggled,he was adorable and his chubby cheks were soo pinchable(AN:I don't know if this word exist but i put it lol)

"Hey you little man are so so cute"i cooed ,he giggled and put his arms out for me to carry him.I smile and ask Mia first and she replied 'of course'. I took him out of his crib and he immediately start to play with my gun necklace.

"Can you take him to the bathroom downstairs please"Mia asked kindly.

"Sure"i replied

I got out of the room and went downstairs where Dom and Luke was eating breakfast.Luke saw me first and he wave at jack. He giggled and wave back.Dom heard him and look our way and he smile at me and wink. I blush and walk rapidly towards the bathroom.I seriously don't know what is happening to me.

I sat jack on the washing machine and look at him

"I don't know what is happening to me"i told him even though he did not understand anything.

"You wanna talk about him"I hear behind me.I turn around and saw mia there

"I don't know what is happening to me Mia,things like that never happen"I told her

"What things"She ask confused

I did not know if i should told her or not but thne i told her.

"It's just When dom do soething like smile or wink at mei i feel different and i blush or something like that.I normally don't feel nothing but with dom its a different story"i said truthfully

"You know i think that you have a crush"mia said smiling

"ha ha ha no"i said to mia.

"But i know that my brother have a crush on you"she said giggling.She carry Jack in the bath she was preparing while we were talking

"Did i heard what i heard Mia"A deep voice said from behind us.Mia and i gasp and when we turn around Dom was there with his arms cross and he was leaning against the doorway smirking

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