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Hello everyone i just wanted to say THANK YOU so so much for all the votes and comments.

I can't believe that my story would get so much votes and comments.

Also i wanted to ask you if you wanted me to write another f&f fanfic.

Hints: carter verone is back!!!

It will be another dom's story(he's my favorite character soo).

The story is almost done then maybe a sequel.

Vote and comment if you want a Sequel...

And follow me on TWITTER : @WinterWonder13


Ramsey hacked the computers that was used on Ian's team and she could trace where they were but it seems that it was just ian that was there. Dom, brian , roman and guys from luke's team was going there.

Me and the rest of the crew were going to look for the rest of Ian's team. I never got to finish with that slut. I was following tej's instructions as he was the one tracking the guys from Ians.

My phone started to ring as we stopped at an old abandonned warehouse. Why do they have to be somewhere abandon.

I answered the phone and started to talk to dom. He sounded tired.

" Betty don't stay there its a trap. Ian's team was there ambushing on us. Its a trap Bet"

I look at the warehouse and saw a round black object on the door.

"GET DOWN" i shouted everyone ran to their cars as the warehouse exploded. I didn't have the time to get down and i ended up flying away. LITERRAALY and i passed out after slamming in something hard...



I look up as the warehouse exploded and i saw betty didn't have the time to get down and ended up thrown violently away and on Tej's car

"BETTY'' i shouted. I got attached to that girl after some time. I thought we wouldn't get along but in the end we ended up like sister.

I got out of my hiding spot and ran towards her. Tej and the others ran towards her, i look at her and got her off tej car.

"Betty look at me" i said but her eyes stayed closed." Tej we should go to a hospital" i said hurriedly as they all came near me.

"No no hospital, to many questions and papers to fill. Mia will do." Tej said.

I nodded and tego took her in his arms and ran hurriedly in his car. I followed him and told tej to take my car.

Tego started the car and everyone followed him. I was in the back with betty constantly checking her pulse.

"Faster Tego"i said. He nodded and zoomed past every car. Dom must be very worried as he called her before the explosion.

As we got in the warehouse tego grabbed betty and ran towards the door where the team usually was. I threw the door open and shouted.

''Where's Mia and Dom?" Immediately mia came running towards me and when she saw betty she gasp and she asked quickly.

"What happened?" I look behind her and saw dom walking towards us quickly. The look in his eyes was scary.

He got to us and took betty from tego and looked at me expectantly.

"The warehouse exploded before she could get down and she was thrown away violently and slammed on Tej's car.'' I said shakily

He looked at mia and she nodded.

"Put her in your room. I'll go get my stuffs" she said and dissapear in the room she was sharing with Brian.

Jack was staying with elena at her place ,and their was guards all around the house.


Betty pov

I could feel someone stroking my head. I tried opening my eyes but it took a bit if effort.

I finally could and saw dom smiling at me.

"Hey sleeping beauty"he said.

"Hey"i replied my voice waa hoarse. He took a water bottle and he helped me drink.

"What happened? I just remember fragments of what happened."

"The warehouse exploded before you could get down and you landed roughly on tejs car"he said smiling.

"How long was i out?" I asked him.

"Some hours. You are really really tough. You just got some bruises on you back and a cut on your forehead."he said sill smiling.

"Ohh shit, more scars to add to the collection"i groaned.

He chuckled and i look at him innocently. To make conversation i ask him out of the blue:

"How was she?" He look at me curiously and i repeated my question.

"How was letty? Tell me your story with her" he gulp and started to say.

"Letty was one of those girls who loved to hang out with guys. She didn't fear them at all, they were scared of her.

She always hung out at the garage with me, dad, vince,jesse and leon. She never was the girly type and Mia always fought with her to wear a dress.

She was always around me but when puberty hit her. I was running behind her like a pup.

You remember the story i told you about brian?"he asked.

I nodded and he continued.

"After we ran away, we went to the dominican and there we got married secretly. We forgot the wedding rings so i gave her my cross chain as the ring." He look at me and i smiled. So thats why he never left it.

"After that we did a small heist. Stealing fuel to give to the domincans. I left her because the cops were after me and she did an accident trying to get me back. She lost her memory that day and was working with ians brother.

And i got her back. Only for her to be taken away from me again.'' He finish tears in his eyes.

I sat up and took his head in my hands.(an;that sounded weird) and said.

"We will stop the guys who did this even if we die doing it" then he hugged me hard.


Thats all for today everyone, i think that there will be 2 or 3 chapters more and it will be the end of this story.

Don't forget to COMMENT
VOTE and follow mee!!!

Love you all

Taratata ✌

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