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I stood there and look at dom.

Was he really asking me to be his girlfriend this early? Do he really love me?Or was he just playing with me or just wanted to get in my pants.

I lean down near to his ear and whisper

"no"Then i got out of his grasp and leave the office leaving him bewildered.I walk in the diner and saw mia serving a guy .I sat on one of the chairs at the bar and just look straight ahead.

I sat there shock at her answer.I expected her to kiss me but it never happened.

"Hey man"i hear a deep voice behind me.I look up and saw Hobbs standing there.

"yes"i say with no emotions

"I have some news for you that you will absolutely like"he said

"Spit it out"i told him suddenly interested in what he wanted to say.

"Elena call me and said she has some information on the Gang that ambush your team on that day"he said looking intently at me

I jump out of my seat and look at him seriously and said

"What info do you have"

"One of the guy that work for me saw a group of street race cars,He took photos of the car and brought them to the police station"HE said

"And"i impatiently said

"It turn out that one of them is name Ian shaw"he said"He is the brother of owen shaw and he wants revenge toretto,His girlfriend Jessica Taylor is the one who killed Letty."He said.I look at him and then talk

"Where can i find her"

"You can't just go like this,Where she is Ian is with her"Hobbs said sighing at the end.

"I don't care she killed Letty and I want revenge,I will kill her even if it's the last thing I do"I said through gritted teeth

Hobbs sigh ,then talk

"Okay but you will need the team everyone even mia because Ian's team is very big and powerful not like owen's,I know that Jessica knows how to fight so will need someone who can fight and use guns and also race"he said

I thought about letty and Gisele but they are dead so will need to find someone that we can trust to work with us

"We'll need to talk to the others about that,we should find someone,who can fight,use guns,is light, run fast"I said

"so it must be a girl"Hobbs said.I hum in agreement.

"We need a meeting with the team and NOW"I said and got out of the office and into the garage i talk about the Ian shaw case to Brian and we decided that we needed a team meeting.

"Brian go tell mia and Bet"I told him


Some minutes later Mia and Betty got in the room and we just stood there looking at each other

"So i got information about the ambush"hobbs said.

everyone look at him and he continued

"I know who killed Letty "

"WHO"Mia shout

"Her name is Jessica taylor"
When hobbs say her name,Betty heads snap up and look at him

"JESSICA TAYLOR"she scream,everyone flinch.

"WOW what got to you"Roman said

"That bitch kill your friend"

"Yeah she was Dom's girlfriend,this is why he want revenge"Brian said
She look at me and said

"I'm so sorry "

"It's okay but we need to talk about something else."i said getting straight to the point."We need someone light,who can fight,can use guns and is a good racer"i said looking at all of them

When i heard what type of person Dom was looking for i immediately raised my hands and smile.I wanted to beat that bitch(Jessica)to death.

"What is it Betty"Luke told me

"Can i please,Pretty please can i"i said grinning like an idiot
"Yeah the toilet is on the left"Roman said grinning

"FUck you"i said back.Everyone started to laugh because his face was priceless.

"I was talking about the person you're looking for,I can be the person you're looking for"i said seriously

"No way in hell"Luke said"You don't have the qualification for this and i won't let you do that"

"i have the qualification to do that"i said and he roll his eyes he started to talk but i cut him off"Listen,I prove it to you all that i'm a good racer,I walk with a ccw gun with me everywhere i go and i know how to fight and i run rapidly."i said smiling.

Luke look at everyone and dom talk

"She is in the team"he said

And everyone agreed just my brother who look at me.

"Dom if i lose my sister,you're a dead man"Luke said and i laugh knowing he accepted me as being the new member of the team toretto.

Dom look at hobbs and laugh,a very deep and attractive laugh.wait stop bet he just want to get in your pants.I turn around and went to my car but when i got there someone turn me around and i realised it was dom

"What did i do?"he ask frowning

"I don't know if you want to be with me for real or just for your own benefits"i said truthfully to him

"I will never hurt you Bet,you can trust me"

"You will need to prove that Dom"I said.I peck his Cheeks and then got in my car and drove away.


How will i prove that i really like her?

I just need mia's advices

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