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Luke stood there fuming.But then he put his arms up in surrender.

"you know what like you said before,you're a grown woman and i won't interfere with your life but remember i will always protect you from any threats"he said staring at me.Dom was smiling and i stood there shock.

"I don't understand Luke"i said looking at him confused.

"I'm letting dom and you be the couple you want to be"he said.I gasp and look at dom who was smiling.

"Really like really Luke"i said happy.

"yeah"he simply said

I ran towards him and hug him tightly"Thank you thank you thank you"i said excitedly.He hug me back and i hear someone clear his throat.We turn around and saw dom standing there awkwardly.I walk towards him and and hug him too. After some minutes i pull back and ran upstairs to look for mia.I went in her room and find her changing Jack.

"Hey mia,guess what"i shouted.She screamed scared and turn around and sigh when she saw me.

"You scared me you know that"she said said taking Jack in her arms.

"Yeah i know but guess what"I said

"You won the lottery"she said excited.

"NO,Luke is letting me alone,he said that i was now a grown woman an that he won't interfere with my life"i said smiling

"Oh my god it isn't better than winning the lottery but am happy for you"she said smiling

"yeah"i reply grinning

"so you and dom are a thing now"

"no, i don't even know"i said " but enough of that i really need a new shirt as you see"i said pointing at my rip shirt.

"I see"she said and walk towards her wardrobe.She then gave me a plain white t-shirt.

"Thank you so so much mia, i'll refund you"i said while i put the t-shirt on.

"No need to do that,It was an old shirt"she said


"so what are you gonna do"she asked

"I'm heading home, taking a bath and then i'll come there if you're okay with it"

"Sure i'm okay with it"she said

"Thank you"

i smile at her and ran out of the room and head home. when i finally arrived at my apartment i open the door slowly awaiting the worst. And as predicted there were clothes everywhere and my coffee table was upside down. Oh god.

I go into my kitchen and there was a shirtless guy drinking coffee.I look at him confused but did not say a thing cause i knew this was the guy elena was talking about.Just her type short black hair,grey eyes,pink lips and a very sculptured body but not as well as Dom.

He look up and look straight into my eyes and i bet he was checking me out.He lick his lips then talk.

"Who are you"he asked.I raised an eyebrow

"I live here "i said with a bit of attitude

"alright so what's your name beautiful"he said smirking.

"Betty and don't call me beautiful"i said looking at him with a raised eyebrow

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl"he said still smirking.

"Fuck off"i said through gritted teeth. He chuckled and said.

"Feisty i LOVE it." he said.I sigh in annoyance and turn around to walk towards my room but he grab my arm and pull me to his back.

"what the hell are you doing"i said looking up at him.I was angry at th point. He turn me around making me look at him.

"This"he said then smash his lips on mine.I try to push him away but he didn't let go so i kick him where the sun don't shine and he stumbled back and hold his groin then i punched him sraight in the jaw.

I grab his arm and carry him towards the door.I open it and threw him out

"You bitch" he said.

"Listen if you come near me again, i'll kill you slowly and painfully"i said and slam the door .

okay i will never kill someone slowly and painfully but Luke or Dom can,i'm sure they will.

I walk towards my room and saw Elena getting out of the guest room with a tired head.

"Hey bitch"i said to her before going into my room i heard a small 'hi'.

I went into my bathroom and took a shower. After i was finished with my shower i wrap a towel around me and went towards my closet and choose to wear this . I change and got out of my room and saw Elena there waiting at my door.

"Can you tell me where is Jason " she said

"The one that forcefully kiss me and wanted to get into my pants"i said with no emotion.

"HE WHAT" she shouted. "oh my god i didn't knew he was like that,he's a total asshole.Sleeping with me then trying to sleep with my bestfriend"she said "But you just need to admit that he was hot"she said smiling

"Listen Elena i'm not interested and i think that i'm settle down"i said

"Really with who"she said

"It's a surprise"i said then walk away

I got out of my apartment and walk towards my car.I got in and start the engine. I drove towards the house of dom and when i got there i didn't saw a car.I pull into the driveway and got out of car.I went into the garage and saw Tej' working on a computer.

"Hey tej' where's everyone"i asked

"There at the dinner, name the Torettos diner" he said.

"oh okay, see ya T"i said


I got in my car and pull out of the driveway and head to the diner.

When i got there i park my car,got out and walk in the dinner. I saw miaa at the counter will jack sat on it playing with some cars.I smile and walk towards the counter and sat on one of the chairs.Mia look up and smile

"Hey how are you"she ask sweetly

"Fine thank you"i said"so where are the other one "

"They are in the garage working on cars and Dom is probably in his office and luke is working i think"she said.

"Thanks Mia i'll go see Dom"

"I knew you were going to go there"she said grinning.I shook my head and said

"i don't know what you're talking about"

"yeah yeah"she said smiling

i walk towards Dom office.I knew where he was because i saw a door and written on it in big letters was "OFFICE"

I got in and close the door behind me.He was deep i though he didn't hear me get in the room.

"What you thinking about"i said snapping him out of his thought.He turn around in his chair and smile when he saw me.

"Hey,come here"he said.I walk towards him and lean against the desk looking at him.Then i finally talk.

"Dom what are we " i ask.he look at me confused and asked

'what are you talking about"

"Are we a couple or no" i said crossing my arms

He sigh and grab my waist pulling me by my waist and looking straight at me.

"Elizabeth-umm do you have another name"he asked not finishing is sentence.I laugh a bit and then nod

"Jillian"i said and he smiled

"Beautiful name,So Elizabeth Jillian Hobbs would you be my girlfriend"he said sincerely

i look at him serious and says...

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