Swimming With The Fishes.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

The fish swam as if there wasn't a hunter with a net potentially hunting them as the predator countering the prey. He simply say there staring into the abyss of the lake's bottomless waters.

How far does it go?

Felix the fish. What an ironic name.

He is a fish. Yet he'd never had sort of what Andy called a brethren. A family? The same creature he coincidentally was drawn to everyday? Somehow he ended here more often than hanging out with the others.

Who is my family?

The funny thing is he only remembered them. His friends he occasional hung out with rather than fishing on his own terms since they claimed it was a unhealthy habit to be alone.

Don't you deserve it?

One of the dishes looked his way and their faces glitched out. Felix flinched back and blinked a few times before curiously staring at the fish for a few seconds as everything seems to be normal.

It's mouth along the next words.

You drowned like a coward.

I drowned?

He shouldn't have thought. Felix regretted that reply the second all the fish suddenly faces his way and swam near the docking.

"Keep away. Keep away. Keep AwAy."

A voice shouted repeatedly. Felix had actual tests running some his cheek being near the water for no reason. His heart beating so loud it even reached his throat where he could almost taste it.

What's happening?

Don't you remember, Lou Lou?

Who the hell was Lou Lou? His name was Felix!

She'd be so hurt by the change.

The first changed to a darkened screen. The surrounding areas covered nothing except blackness blanketing the surrounding area.

You don't remember?

All that remained was the river and Felix. Some fishes swam without a care in the world. They weren't the current targets of a supernatural psycho hunting random people.

Remember what? I was fishing and then you came along darkening this entire area!

Always the stubborn one, weren't you?

The ending was whispered quite softly. Felix began backing up from something in the darkness trotting forward on all fours. He didn't realise the water was behind him...


He ended up there and two dark tentacles restrained his wrists. Felix shrieked as they essentially dunked him into the water and held him there until he couldn't breath anymore.

Something pulled him minutes later. The thing has some mercy to give, but only saved to talk to the fishy humanoid man face to face.

A pumpkin humanoid man crouched next to the fish. Cupping his chin, his fingers tightened their grasp before forcing his head to the side facing the now grinning figure.

Aww, sore sight for eyes. The boy saviour drowning in his own lake. Weak, just like your father before he succumbed.

For a second, Flex thought those eyes showed a little sympathy. Then the tentacles looped around his limbs before pushing him down into the waters embrace one again.

As his lungs started filling with the liquid, Felix couldn't help but glance above. The pumpkin man's crouched position hadn't changed, yet his eyes showed more emotion than his face.

Terror, helplessness, rage, fearful. He should've felt those. It wasn't that this entity panicked with the emotions he was accounted to feel regarding his dangerous scenario.

Oddly enough, the water felt more like home than the land above. Maybe it was the fish part that agreed, but Felix had the urge to glance to his left side.

A drowning body sunk under. His and another. He didn't know this boy, though fought to save him from a fate that-

Is inevitable. Welcome to the real world, Louis.

Felix breathed in his last intake of oxygen before his eyes closed and he gave in to the waters' demanding claim over his body.

He floated a little close to the other body sunk.


He gasped as water spat from his lungs. Felix's body shook from the obvious he'd been forced to endure.

What even was that? Who was that human?

Calm. He needed to be calm. Shake off his nerves and continue his afternoon active. Nothing was wrong. Nothing happen. He could forget about the event that just took place.

Ba bum. Ba bum.

His heart protested otherwise beating fasted faster than the speed of light. Inhaling through his non-visible nose, Felix grabbed his pole and sat down near the docks once again.

"Catch some to cook for the others."

The fish glared as if he wasn't welcome. Their eyes boring into his own like banishing a new born the pack. They were in the waters where they belonged and he lived in the land. A place they apparently hated.

Felix continued fishing for the afternoon.

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