Murder Investigation.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Kinda short but that's 'cause I'm not an expert in the police department genre, sorry.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

The family is broken. The family shattered into pieces never to be fixed. The family members died one by one until only one or a few remained depending on the theories you chose to believe from the public area/authorities of the town.

"Fine bodies, five minds, five souls. What the fuck? Did the murderer do cultish shit?" An officer finding evidence snorted. "Fucking hell, I thought the Manson case was bad to see."

"Eh, look at the girls. Burned to a crisp."

"Bet it's abuse cases." The forensic's sample of the girl's DNA matched the father and the mother and the brother. "She has scars, mental trauma, a few broken bones. What person does their to their child?"

"Shitty ones."

The officer sighed at the scene, radioing the rest to come with backup incase they were dealing with a serial killer in the making.

The house burned to a crisp. Definitely one worthy for a rich family. Suspected number around five to six people sleeping or renting s room. A number of bodies either burned or destroyed in the fire.

Funny how a computer survived.

The paramedics covered the bodies with the sheets, picking them up in stretchers and taking them in the ambulances to be transported in the morgues of the nearby hospital.

It happens every time.

They hated this sight.

"Hey, hey." The other one moved them away from the scene by a hand in the shoulder. "You don't need to be here if you don't want to. Ever know...the son drowning.."

"You had to investigate it."

"Yes. Just...tough to handle."

The other officer nodded in acknowledgment. Their backup arrived which effectively interrupted his next sentence as their partner strolled off to the backup just arriving.

"What is it, sir?"

The senior office gazed at the house, then switched it the younger rookie in training with his first assignment being just guarding the premises so the press didn't ruin evidence.

"Guard the east. The rest, head west. The press will be here soon-"

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Already they were here. The desperate fucker's vans parked in all the right places. Camera out at the ready and rushing to scene if the crime.


They were already near the bodies.

"Stop them entering the premises, but do not use much physical force. They'll sue us like last time."

The rookie nodded, walking quickly. He outstretched his arms to block off the people physically, but didn't push back much in fear of another law suit.

The press did anything for the money.

"Who are the victims?!

"Was it an accident or sinister?!"

Two of the load of the question the poor rookie answered honestly as he was allowed. His superior forbade any contact outside standard.

The officers took a look at the crime scene.

"Fucking hell."

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