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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Pairing is Melody X Felix, platonic. Not romantic, since it'd technically count as incest. I think they're cute. Couldn't find any fics so I write my one lol.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

"Why are so egotistical?"

She asked him one day out the blue. Melody always found the fish too narcissistic for his own good. Sooner than later, he'd anger someone to the point where he'd be beaten by a person stronger than him. She didn't ask Felix to annoy him er say, rather...

Melody worried more than she needed to.

"In my nature, doll." He replied with a smirk that made her heart flutter slightly. "I know those who are stronger, if you asking that. Know my limits. I ain't stupid to make people mad to where they come after my life."

Something snapped in Melody. She asked him out of concern for her friend. Now here he was taking the mock out a question she asked to make sure he was kept safe.

And the others wondered why she hated him.

"Yeah. I get that." She snarled, glaring at the fish. They played a game of love/hate. "Don't think I haven't noticed too staring at Andy for too many seconds at a time.."

His eyes widened and he looked taken aback. A first for him since he usually had the quips and retorts to save his ego. Only Melody dishes out replies shaking his pride.

Felix growled silently, the moon woman knew how to rile his rage to test his limits. It felt so tempting to just shut her up.

"You know what, doll?"

Melody smiled innocently. Stars literally twinkled in her eyes. She happened to he connected the moon and the sky. The night time was her prime to be wondering around their living area and spend some time for herself.

"What, Felix?"

"I think you have a little crush~"

Right now, she felt really tired from Margret forcing her awake at God awful early hours in the morning. Resulting in a cranky moon, she lashed out at the fish for his egotism which made them all made. She wanted some peace and quiet.

Was it so hard to ask? Yes. Felix never shut his mouth. Yapped on and on about topic none of them understood. Eventually she'd had enough and told him to be quiet. Melody thought hurt shone in those egotistical eyes.

She ignored the guilt to this day.

"Whatever fish man." Melody pushed Felix to the side by his shoulder. "Don't ask them on a date, they'll just be hurt in the end."

The pain in her chest subsided whenever Felix decided he needed Melody alone. The memories of the refused to let her leave them behind. And having Felix a few front in front has driven her mind insane.


"I never had a crush on you."

Melody clutched the hole in her moon head. A sound, a ringing sound pultruded through her non-existent ears as they started their whispers.

Not a saviour.
You let him drown.
Failure. Failure. Failure.
Bad sibling. Bad sister.

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