Six Feet In The Ground.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Warning: Suicidal thoughts/Ideation, discusses of depression and references to child abuse.)

(Based on the theory that Isabella is actually alive.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Watching her father murder his best is strangely nostalgic for Isabella. Hacking Arthur's body with the axe he kept in their shed incase any intruders decided to run their house, using the weapon to murder him in cold blood. Hiding the body afterwards to avoid justice for his crimes.

Isabella is hidden behind trees. Sneaking around the giant garden the one back to their house. Only to discover a murder happening with her father as the killer and Arthur as the victims. Questioning her father's sanity as he seemed sane at the time she left. What happened to make him mad? What did Arthur trigger inside her father to make him kill the man?

For some reason, instinct wanted comfort from the only family member she had left. Mother and Louis' were dead or missing depending on what she chose to believe. Father to be a killer or a victim of Arthur's affair with her mother. The mentioned victim begged her father to reconsider his actions before he'd regret them.

What a sad sod.

Arthur should've known any decision her father made was finalised. If he decided someone was to be killed, then they were killed. Simple as the logic of day turning to night or raining drenching someone in its waters.

"You should've thought 'bout before you hurt ma family, Arthur King."

Father's voice sounded different as it usually did when he became mad. Once he used on Isabella as he proceeded to beat her already broken body when she was in trouble for sneaking out. Louis received the same punishment when caught smoking in their home.

Arthur was about to receive the same thing. No mercy, no reconsideration. Only a finalised decision on his punishment. Isabella would've loved to see if her mother and Arthur worked out their little romance without knowing getting wind of their relationship.

"Daddy?" Isabella whispered carefully, covering her moth as father heard her voice. Shoulders slumping in defeat and...relieved. "Please don't do it."

"I have to, 'Isa. He killed your mother."

Arthur...killed Kamryn? Struck her down when she least expected? Isabella had been stuck at school all day. A bad feeling haunted her gut and stomach screaming, 'go home! Home!', as if dreading the actions that would have consequences further into the normal routine.

"What do you mean?"

Luring his daughter our her hiding with his charming words, the thing possessing her father and somehow fussing his consciousness and it's vicious demonic powers into one entity creating a demon inhabiting a human vessel. Retaining the emotions and weakness of the man it possessed.

"He is a killer. I'm just giving us justice."

Hating the love and caring the human felt for the little child. His child. Their child. A new possessiveness ran through their veins, grabbing the daughter's wrist and dragging them closer to the man covered in blood. Their anger giving enough motivation to kill and hide the body of the pathetic mortal.

That just needed to daughter in their side. Maybe they could keep her alive.

"...That's not a reason."

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