Halves Of A Whole.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(An Au where The AAF characters and the spirits of the Eastwoods (and others!) are like half a whole. They possess one body and share it and get along.)

(Also, implied Self-cest. You've been warned so don't moan about it in the comments.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

You don't need them.

Everyone shared two spirits within their bodies. Their existence entirely dependent on coping with their significant other occupant in their mind, soul and heart. Learning to share and get along. Deciding who is in control and when they're meant to perform certain tasks.

Listen. Don't start whining.

Banished to the barn (self-isolation practically, the beast can't hurt anyone). His spirit within constantly whispering to hurt 'em, stab 'em, slash 'em. Kill them. Kill Andy. Murder his friends.

Shut up, I need you either. You're a demon.

Peter sat on the hay in his barn. Rocking back and forth, he stared into the nothingness of the barn as the darkness beckoned to him. The demon's powers flowed through his artificial veins. He felt everything the demon. From the shadows to their whispers to everything. Including Andy's friends' shadows as they talked behind their backs.

Watch and learn.

As his eyes rolled into the back of his head, Peter saw through the eyes of Andy meeting his friends for a picnic they planned earlier that day. Before sunrise, Felix suggested a harmless-

"-Prank. A simple prank." The fish giggled, Peter stick in his body, seeing through the eyes as his shadow narrowing their own. "It wouldn't be dangerous. Simply get his keys! Maybe hide them in the barn!"

"But Felix." Margret hesitatingly protested. "It's his keys! His property! We would be mad if it were one of us-"

She stopped talking. Claus' hand settled in her shoulder as the clock man smiled, calming down the mole woman. A mischievous in their eyes fought her own fire to not let this happen.

"It's Andy." Claus reassured. "He'll forgive and forget. Do not worry, Margret. We won't fault you if that is what you are truly worried for."

Margret huffed, then stayed silenced. The true reason was exposed and there wasn'g any reason to deny it.

What a bunch of shitty friends they are.

"We shouldn't get involved." Melody cut in, taking ahold of Margret's arm. "Let them do what want to do. They'll be at fault-"

Peter gasped for air as he returned to his own body. The demon settled his spirit back into the other vessel they shared. An image appeared before his eyes in the darkness.

It walked out in a smug manner. Smiling and it's eyes gleamed with bloodlust. And actual list. Peter came to know it as the darkness within the family haunting this game.

The Eastwoods, as well as Arthur King, haunted the game their father, husband, and friend created as a salvation of sorts. Hoping to earn some money since his job slowly started dropping wages and cutting employees. Afraid of being the next victim, Thomas turned to unknown technically. Creating abomination like the demon and Peter. For some reason, the entity chose Peter's avatar above everything else to haunt and torment. Also giving him sentience to watch its movements. Possessing his body and making them one person.

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