The Side Piece. (1/2.)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

They shouldn't be seeing each other. They shouldn't be committing acts which are considered sins in their day and age. In their early years, adulterous activities were taken more seriously than in the future modern era.

The couple currently kissing under the moonlight in a dimly lit room meant for romance shared one thing in common. A desire to forget their days and revel in the sins they would commit in secret. Both kept secrets from their friends. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

They didn't want to upset anyone. Not again. It seemed wrong at first, trying this new act when they were alone, but as time passed, a new bond formed until they found themselves sharing a room almost every night when an opportunity came up to just their mind off the trauma.

When did it turn meaningful?

Supposedly a one off gesture, stressful times leading to more sessions meet you between the two barely close people within the group. Usually only around each other when the others decided a group hangout necessary, meaning they'd have to see another if they bother attending.

Both found comfort in the frenemy. They weren't enemies by any means, but weren't the closest people as they had nothing common.

When did we continue the affair?

All the times flickering last escaped their minds. Too lost in the moment between the session and thoughts running amuck to care about time and space and any consequences their little affairs brought to their lives. Making life more difficult in choosing to continue their weekly meet ups.

Weekly turned into daily. And daily turned hourly. Hours became minutes. Spending so much time in each other's presence that it forced the others to question if they had taken crack, drugs or something going on like blackmail.

First reason really did seem the likely answer.

When did the guilt become guilty pleasure?

They should not even be considering having their little sleepover. Once upon a time, guilt creeped in and caused a friction for both to overcome upon missing more and more meet ups because of the tiredness their sessions induced. She eventually found the guilt fizzling into a sea of happiness she never experienced around the others, even if they made laugh, smile and cry.

The man currently giving it his all has the same heavy thoughts lingering. Loads of doubts wouldn't him alike to enjoy this in peace. The silence became appreciated, both quickly becoming to crave it more as actions spoke well beyond's words for them. His actions greatly please her if anything, noises and silent words praising his actions as they continued the session giving them the pleasure they wanted, desire, craved, were addicted to receiving. Finding themselves in a frightening familiar room more frequently than normal.

They shouldn't be in this bed.

Margret's room was bigger than Claus' entire household. They found it easier hiding out here than facing the consequences if any of the others came seeking Margret to talk their problems.

"Are you alright?" She voiced, gasping as Claus' hands ticked faster than normal, showing how into the moment he seemed. "Your going slower, it means your thinking. What are you thinking?"

All considered her the therapist of the group.

"A mole fucking a clock." He sighed, wheezing after releasing his unintentional joke. "We'd be screwed. We shouldn't even be doing this, Margret. I shouldn't have started it."

She was about to silence him. However, he pinned her underneath him on the mattress, roughly clashing their lips together. A bruising kiss leading to more than they were able to handle in their ages. None could care less.

They had waited too long for this moment.

"Claus, shut the hell up." Margret dropped her kind facade. "We waited three months just to be here right now. You leave? We are over. I am not having her heart broken."

Why did she refer as her? Margret just felt like someone else needed this as much as they both did. As if another spirit resided within herself, crying from the pain of the past mistakes.



Claus stared for a full minute before the silence became overbearing. In quick succession, he'd practically pounced on Margret, giving into his desires of wanting the woman all night. He and her deserved all the time they reserved. Patience was a virtue. Someone once said.

Patience could be torture depending on what you'd need the waiting time for. They needed it just to be together and have each other for themselves one night and an evening only. Anymore time and they others would be suspicious of why they got along.

Everyone knew they didn't agree on much.

"Claus." Margret growled possessively, eyes switching to another colour, hooded lust covering the usual sanity. "Waited too long. Don't be slow. Quick. Quick. Quick."

Claus obeyed the mole woman's orders. Unzipping his jacket, throwing his clothes to the side as he did as well, he cupped both cheeks, tenderly stroking the base with his thumb before going for the rough spots.


"What?" Margret cringed, averting her gaze. "Not like what you see?"

Did he not like her body? Her mind? Anything of the sort? Would he leave? The first time he'd been too scared to do anything but talk. And talked they did, right before sleeping of course.

"Your absolutely perfect, Kamryn."

Then the spirit inside took control. Blacking out momentarily, the avatar was replaced by the human host embodying the animal. She cried as silent tears threatened to spill down her cheeks, only stopped by the hand of the man she loved and wanted every single second they shared.

"Thank you, Arthur." She kissed him gently, savouring the precious moment. "I love you. I'm sorry it had to be this way. They're decommissioned as we speak. Blacked out? Sleeping? God help us all."

"Don't worry, darling. We have minutes, maybe even some hours." He whispered cheekily, finger tapping her nose playfully. "Now, let's do what they came here to do, hm? Been far too long."

Kamryn only smirked. It was all the confirmation the passed on spirit needed. A second later, both fused with the avatars they inhabited and were trapped within, sharing their emotions as they lived another and the same simultaneously.

"Ready?" Claus asked, the same smile reflected as their voices merged into one. "Because we're going all the way all night, baby girl."

"Ready, watchman."

Claus and Margret acted in their animal instincts all night long. A faint whisper warned of guilt and cheating from the past. She had someone to go home to. Be with. Share a married life.

She once had a husband. A family. Friends.

Now all she had was Claus.

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