Learning To Fly.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Villain! Bailey AU. Play the song when the lyrics pop up.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Spotting the apple man and his group of friends walking around her fun fair, the bee woman smirked cheekily. She observed their little interactions where the friends have Andy tasks based on attractions around the fair and more near to Bailey's location.

Remember who possesses him.

She would have so much fun.

"Who told you what was down here?
Come along if you wanted a peek"

Andy paused in the middle of Claus' task. Tilting his head in interest, he heard a sound vibrating through the atmosphere. A dominant, yet gentle singing voice pulling the environment, changing the surrounding areas to their will. Owning the little ballad they began, he could tell they intended to finish.

There in the Ferris wheel stared woman looking like a bee. Wearing a blue top, a white undershirt accompanied by the blue eyes. As a bee, she naturally had the wings to be able to fly.

"I've seen your face around here
Come alone, tell me under the table
What do you seek?"

They buzzed weakly as she seemed to be in deep thought. He observed the woman another second before she noticed his gaze. She smiled and slowly raised her hand, flipping him off with the middle finger with an enraged scowl.

She had the intentions of finishing the ballad, albeit with an outdoing finale. At the end, she'd proved to the host inside she wasn't weak as her one counterpart in the real world. Inhaling deeply, Bailey closed her eyes as she smiled in acceptance of the tragedies from the past.

The bee woman felt Andy's burning gaze. Tears threatened to slip down as she needed him to just avert his eyes. Emotions were a mess to describe, but she laughed silently.

Fog escaped her mouth during the exhale.

"Welcome to the playground, follow me
Tell me your nightmares and fantasies"

Her wings started buzzing as instincts programmed the A.I avatar. Standing up off the edge of the wheel, Bailey maintained eye contact with Andy before smiling...

Easier to fall dead.

Then she dropped off the giant wheel without flying. Simply falling from the air and targeting the ground, her empty eyes met Andy's once again, her relishing the fear and sorriness those orbs expressed.

"Fly for God's sake!"

Bailey felt slightly flattered that somebody might have been genuinely concerned. She couldn't remember a time when anyone showed remorse or care for her, her human self, or even did the one she did not speak about.

You are not allowed to die.

Bailey merely smiled wider in content.

"Sink into the wasteland underneath
Stay for the night, I'll sell you a dream"

Andy wondered why she feel as if her life didn't matter in shape or form. The emptiness and acceptance in the fair owner's eyes was disturbing to say the last.

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