Demon To Devil.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Hope you enjoy.)

They say you have a devil on your shoulder. It whispers sins into your ear, combating the angle trying to redeem you through useless suggestions on how to be a decent person. You either listen to the demon or the Angel.

Kill them all.

There was no in between. The angle on his other disappeared, fazing out of existence as if it never existed in the first place. Well, it hadn't really.

Only created for a purpose of self-indulgence.

Don't you want them to pay? Her murdering your son, the infidelity you saw yourself as she slept an essentially fucked in your bed? A son arguably drowning on his own to get away from you all.

Just another delusion by an insane man. A vision he concocted so things would make a little more sense in his world. In the back of his mind, he knew the atrocities he committed were wrong and wanted to stop himself.

Every attempt ended in failure as another presence interfered the normalcy Thomas tried as a routine. Dangerous thoughts coursed through his mind. Implanted by the beast he had made a deal with way back when.

You do not get to leave.

The possessive tone caused a shiver. Thomas recalled the deal as the memories itself was an event he simply couldn't forget. But he was frozen in place, the older man and a father of two unable to obey himself.

This thing controlled him.

"What do you want?" He asked curtly, folding his arms as a mechanism. "I already told you they haven't done anything. Stop messing with my head! I want a normal life!"

The demon in the walls smiling finally showed some emotion. Mouth curling into a frown of sorts, it snarled like a giant dog, teeth shaking giant edges, threatening to eat Arthur whole. It had a plans which did involve a sort of methods resembling the fears of the human.

I have said it before, YOU summoned me. I will not leave until the deal is fulfilled. Never forget a demon is there forever when a mortal summons them from the depths of hell.

The thing constantly watching him. Burning eyes into his back, Thomas saw it all the time during the day and times alone when it wouldn't speak. Nobody else saw it apart from the man who summoned it what seemed a lifetime ago.

"Just...leave alone." Thomas begged, his grief finally revealed. "Please just leave. I can't take anymore. Not another loss."

His wife cheating (presumably with Arthur), his daughter distancing herself after he incidentally blamed her for his son dying. Louis dead by the hand of the water drowning since he couldn't swim.

Clutching his head, the tragedies effected him physically as well as mentally. Shaking from his head to his feet, his whole body quivered as the emotions he worked so hard to bottle battled their way to the surface of his mind, finally ready to be acknowledged since he pushed them to his subconscious. He couldn't afford to show weakness. Not in front of his family. They already thought him a failure enough.

Remaining strong was all he had to hold on before his sanity was gone like everything else in his life. What did he have left to lose?

That's a question you shouldn't ask.

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