Broken Castings.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(It's so hard finding pictures of the Eastwood family, it took me two days. No f*cking joke lol.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Isabella sensed the blame her father sent out the moment she returned from the hospital. The doctors dismissed her with mine or injured compared to her brother who just died.

"Great. More bills." Thomas grumbled, she'd never referred him as dad. "Fuck, fuck. How much is it this time? Louis dying, we barely make enough. Now another necessary-"

"Calm down, honey." Kamryn urged, eyes momentarily contacting with Isabella's. "We'll find the money somewhere. We'll get a loan if we need to. Extra work will help us settle it."

Her father grumbled once again, but didn't argue against her mother. Money would come from somewhere and they would need to pay it off. Her mother's eyes glanced toward Thomas, still smiling as the perfect wife and mother.

"Yes dear. Sorry, just stressed."

"We all need rest." She kept her smile, secretly frowning when looking out the window. "Isabella, honey, go to your room when we get back. You especially need you sleep. You've had...quite the long day."

Kamryn never said anything else. The car ride back home remained silent. Isabella didn't dare open her mouth out of fear of triggering Thomas' vengeful rage.

She rubbed her arm, wincing from the sudden burst of pain coming from the newly formed bruise. She watched in fascination as it turned a sickly yellow, purpose, and green colour on her light tanned skin.

Her father wasn't happy, his hand struck that part the day she returned without Louis. Learning the news only made things worse. He became enraged she hide the truth for so long when she could've saved him or asked another adult about the situation.

"You okay, Isabella?" Kamryn asked. "You've been quiet. Something on your mind?"

My brother died. My father blames me and my mother is oblivious to grief that I unintentionally caused my mother dying in that lake-

"No, mum." Isabella replied distantly, eyes focusing out the car window. "I'm...fine. Just thinking about my bed?"

Kamryn smirked at the little girl. Isabella thanked whatever God existed her mother remained oblivious as always. On occasion, she could be as sharp as a hawk spying their prey.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay."

Isabella barely believed that sentence. She wanted to curl up in her bed and never exit out the one room safe in her house.

Her bedroom.

"Isabella." Thomas' voice cut through the ever flowing thoughts. "When we got home, wait in your room. We need to talk."

Isabella suppressed the whimper forcing its way through her throat. Clutching her arms close, she nodded meekly at the request, no, the command.

"Yes, Dad."


She waited in his room, sprinting for the door, practically bursting the house before running for her film and jumping on her bed. Drawing the covers over her small figure, Isabella heaved shallow breaths indicating she was about to cry.

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