Orphan Black (2/4.)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Inspired by Clementine and Alvin Junior (AJ) dynamic from Telltale Walking Dead: The final season. Andy is a child in this, around the age of five or six. Peter is a teenager around fifteen years old.)

(Also, Melody is around ten and also a child in this AU.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

"Hehe, thank you! His cooking is bad!"

Peter's eyes snapped open. They were alone. They were supposed to alone. He didn't recall allowing anyone else into the cabin. His younger brother-

Andy. Don't let yourself think that term.

Must've let someone in. He taught the kid about stranger danger, the hell he was thinking letting someone inside who could potentially kill then and steal their supplies?

Peter couldn't afford becoming attached. He'd lost a lotta people during the apocalypse and Andy happened to the only one to not die.

Nothing is taking him away from me.

With nothing but a white shirt and a pair of pants worn, he had to work with hand to hand. Not the method he preferred, however the best at his disposal in the present. The combat he specialised in was weapons. Andy's specialty was in the hand to hand bit. The little devil killed more people by his fists than with weapons.

It honestly made Peter quite concerned.

Demon brat.

Seeing how uncovered hands clench, Peter realised the lack of gloves covering the scarred skin he made sure Andy never saw (permanently blood stains that would never come off ever since he killed even all-), the little one didn't need to see another traumatic sight.

Hand steadying itself on the wall, Peter used the surface to support his tired structure. He stumbled down the hallway in a tired manner hoping Andy hadn't gotten himself killed. He'd lose his sanity if the apple child. It would be all his fault. No one else to blame.

It was his job to protect him.

Peeking his head around the door, Peter's eyes widened as he saw Andy with another creature, sitting on their laps and talking to them as if they were old friends. A fish man with gills, purple and blue scales and oceanic eyes you could sink into like they were the seas combined. Wearing a white hoodie, blue plants and black shoes.

"I thought we lost you." His voice was scratchy and raspy as if he hadn't drank in days. "You said you name is Andy, correct?"

"Yeah! What's yours? You look like a Felix."

The fish man blinked twice in comprehension.

"Good guess." He smiled fondly. "Name's Felix the fish. Excuse me voice, no drinks in a few days due to this apocalypse crap."

He looked around the shelter suspiciously. Eying the surroundings and shadows incase planned an unwanted attack. Andy acted surprisingly normal for a stranger having him on their lap and holding him in their arms.

What is he planning?

Andy wasn't a normal child. He had a survival instinct adult only dreamed of stealing.

"Are you alone?"

"No!" Andy chirped as a naive child. "My papa's gone out to get some food and my brother's also asleep in his room. He's lazy."

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