How The Nightmare Began.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Prequel to the Little Nightmarish Apple Farm Oneshots.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

They were all buried beneath darkness. It swallowed all their lands, towns, cities, counties, countries, even the entire continent. Everyone went into hiding. None trusted each other.

Take care of yourself.

Became an unspoken rule amongst survivors.

Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.

Someone spotted him in the shadows. A servant of the master who invaded their wild wished to recruit him in the cult who'd brainwashed others into servitude. They chased after him using the shadows of other objects and his own to catch and trap him in their unexplained groups all over the area. Where they were?

Andy didn't know.

"Go away!" He shouted as he sprinted into a familiar piece of land. "Leave me alone! Go bother someone else!"

"Aww, little Andy. Your so gullible."

Shut up.

He wanted to yell at them, but was too focused on his survival to muster the retort back at the shadow cultist. Running through the land, his mind's gaze during the adrenaline lessened so he could see more clearly and pinpointed his exact location.

Who even are they?

"Surrender now and they might go easy." His chaser tried softening the threat. "You walked into my territory. Hehe, t technically counts as trespassing. You really are a criminal."

Andy was not stupid. Dangers in the world were opened to his eyes and he detected the threat under the soft motherly voice. He continued running to wherever seemed safe.

"Whatever, you insane cultist."

Margret's rules surroundings swear words were still ingrained in his mind. Years of being told, 'LANGUAGE', made its impression. Mainly the reason his retorts weren't the greatest.

"Hmmmm, what do we have here?" They pushed Andy to the wall, the mentioned hitting his head against the concrete. "The little apple man trapped by the insane cultist. How fucking ironic."

That confirmed his theory. They weren't any of his friends. No matter what, they obeyed the unspoken rules. They weren't the type to just break the friend code.

In the shadows, a figure watched them both. If they were intrigued or interested, he couldn't tell the difference. However, they did eye Andy, then their eyes turned toward the cultist pinning him.

"What to do with you?"

"How about release him, you little shit."


The cultish squawked like a bird, their blood splattering on Andy as their body slumped in the ground, only to be turned by an unseen foot as the figure from the darkness finally emerged.

"Damn, your helpless."

"What the hell are you doing here?"

The damn pumpkin man. Wearing a normal blue shirt, dark green long pants, and a pair of Nike blue trainers which ironically fit thin perfectly regarding their situation.

"Be grateful I saved your life, kid."

"Name's Andy."

"Name's Peter." He smiled, head tilting to the side as his interest peaked. "Never thought I'd see you again, little apple. Don't blame ya if ya run away, most consider me the entity's puppet."

He used finger quotes, eyes rolling at the mention of survivors blaming him. Andy found blame toward them, instead his rage directing at the man who one stole his keys.

"You never game them back."

"I did to." Peter giggled, like recalling a fond memory from the past. "But since we're in darkness, keys are a bit useless now, aren't they?"

"I guess so." Andy folded his arms. "Yeah. Sorry, just stressed from near death. Little thing nearly skinned me alive."

"Team up with me."

Andy's head whipped up like a whiplash. He swore the sound affect played out as the words sunk their effect. The meaning felt so foreign. He hadn't know companions since his friend split all those years alone and he became alone.

"How can I trust you?"

Peter snorted at that question. Placing his hands in his pockets, he simply shrugged with a smile starching as if Andy's naivety amused him.

"You'll just need to see."

He walked closer toward Andy and stretched out his hand. For some reason, Andy reciprocated this gesture, taking Peter's hand into his own.

"Just...tell me I can trust you." He whispered a few words, hugging the stranger he felt so safe around. "Promise you won't leave. I need someone, can't lose them."

Peter patted Andy's back gently, not knowing how to handle the apple in this state. He just met the shy man, how was he supposed handle it?

"Yeah, promise."

Andy glanced back at the wide eyed corpse. He finally had something, someone to live for. He nodded at the pumpkin man as he set off to wherever he hid his hideout.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

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