Grown Up Too Fast.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Warning: Suicidal thoughts/Ideation, discusses of depression and references to child abuse.)

(You can consider this a follow up of Headphones. My previous oneshot.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

"What is a childhood?"

Louis' therapist asked once. He faintly recalled the four words to a a question to which he just couldn't answer. No definition found in his vocabulary or within the depths of his memories.

Wishing you don't have to grow up.

Taking a sip of the alcohol, Louis laughed at the possibilities of death if his father were to find him stealing the drink he'd worked so heard to earn. Providing for the family and putting food on the table. Clothes on their backs. A roof over their head in a stable home.


The fourteen year old sipped another bit of drink, gulping down the rest before settling the bottle on the porch next to him. Whoever called him was blatantly ignored. They decided sitting down next to the drunk was a better option.

What a fool.

"You shouldn't be drinking." Kamryn tried verbally commanding her son. "It's...bad for your health. Your only a teenager-"

However, as soon as Louis offered her a bottle, she shut up and took a swing herself. Breathing heavily from the sheer stress both her husband and life in general. Waiting a moment, Louis plopped his head on his mother's shoulder, closing his eyes and inhaling in and out as if he were going into a deep sleep. The drunkenness must've taken his toll if he was already this tired. He had only drank around two or three bottles.

"A teenager you failed. You're kid who had to take care of his older sibling because Isabella's too fragile to even care for her own mental health."

Louis must've been rusty. He hadn't drank a single drop in over six months. Sitting in the porch, staring at the night sky, his eyes widened briefly before looking at his watch.

Three AM.


They had to get inside! Now! Thomas would be back soon and would be very angry to see his family not complying with the rules of when they needed to be in the house upon his arrival.

Louis found himself not caring in the slightest.

Kamryn certainly did. Dragging him by the arm into their house and practically chucking him into his room, she picked the door before rushing down stairs to take the blame for the used bottles.

He said she failed him. Never said she wasn't good in aspects of certain departments of parenting. Taking the blame for her kids' fuck ups? Yeah, Louis had to give Kamryn credit.

She at least acted somewhat of a good mother.

Louis covered his ears as the arguing started. The yelling and soon to be punched and beating of his mother and father echoing through and the house probably the entirety of the neighbourhood.

We don't even have neighbours.

That's how loud their parents turned out to be.


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