Little Nightmarish Apple Farm (2/3.)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Andy and Peter are in their twenties and look like themselves in the picture in the 'pumpkin apple pie' oneshot.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

He had stayed away far too long. Practically abandoned him for his former friends who surrounded the apple and greeted him with open arms. They didn't do the same for him.


What is about Peter that repelled people? He had been by Andy's sided for years and years and now that he spotted his used to be friends, he decided Peter wasn't worth the effort. His chest stung with both jealousy and hurt. It felt like a gaping whole eating his organs until they was nothing left of his personality.

"I thought you died, sugar!"

"I thought you were dead to!"

"Still see you have your fishing rod."

"Habits that make me feel alone these days."

He thought he would've gotten used to it.

He's going to leave.

Peter sighed, watching the ordeal playing out as a mocking play of a life he couldn't achieve. Past experiences showed everyone either feared or tormented the pumpkin to the point where he gained something called depression.

He's leaving. He's leaving. He's leaving.

That's when the voices started.

His friends glared at him with hatred.


His eyes shifted in different directions avoiding the gazed of Andy and a couple of his childhood playmates currently hugging him possessively.

He isn't yours.

He resisted the urge to hurt them. Cut them.

Splice their skins into nothing.

Do it.
Sounds great~

It certainly pleased the voices.

"Andy?" He faked a smile. "Aren't your going to introduce us?-"

"He doesn't need to." The fish hissed. "Name's Felix. Know your name's Peter or something? Heard of the infamous spreading 'cause of you."

Ah yes.

The created apocalypse. Somehow his secret of once being the host for the darkness spread like wildfire and now every creature assumed he worked with it as a slave.

He belonged to no one.

"Haha, I wish." He replied dryly. "Trust me, Fifi. I would've killed you by now. Andy, we going now?"

He wanted to leave soon as possible.

But Andy shook his head.

Fuck. Fuck. He hated his friends.

Peter wanted to take his knife and take Andy hostage to just leave and never return. They were going to separate them.

Take him away.

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