Orphan Black. (3/4.)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Andy's Apple Farm (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(Inspired by Clementine and Alvin Junior (AJ) dynamic from Telltale Walking Dead: The final season. Andy is a child in this, around the age of five or six. Peter is a teenager around fifteen years old.)

(Also, Melody is around ten and also a child in this AU.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

Their people were on the run.

Not understanding the world around him, watching the adults fighting some kind of dark substance wrapping their bodies with the intention to kill or possess. Screaming as their bodies were claimed, dragged into the ground and made for the dead and turned into the shadows they had precious been fighting.

"Uncle Felix!" Andy screamed, shrieking as a shadows leaped toward him. "Help, please!"

The fish man shined the shadow off the little apple child before his attention was drawn by Melody waving him over to help her as well.

"I'm sorry, Andy." He muttered quietly. "Gonna need to help ya little sister."


He left before Andy could utter another word.

He whimpered as he began running from the shadows. The creatures room his moment as cowardice and began chasing him through the woods away from his group. Bailey shot them down before they managed to reach Andy.

"Shit. Shit." The accidentally cursed, picking up the child in her arms. "You shouldn't have to deal with this. You're barely old enough to understand...MARGRET?! WHAT DO I DO?!"

"Give him over!"

She practically chucked the child through the air and into Margret's arms. Catching Andy, she began running from the shadows to another place with Claus covering her by shooting the fleeting darkness with his shotgun while Margret headed for an abandoned building not too far.

When they reached their destination, Margret placed Andy on the ground. Stroking his cheeks, the older woman let out a sob before smiling to attempt to stay stranger for her people.

"Stay strong. We'll be back for you."

Kissing his forehead, Margret then left with Claus running in two. Claus looked back at Andy, sadness at the lie the mother figure just said.

"Just gotta wait." Andy hummed. "Just wait."

They never came back.


It had been a month of surviving on his own.

He had long since given up hope of them returning for him. Andy had taken the guns and at weapons he managed to get his hands in, traversing around the county to keep surviving and trusting himself only.

Everything changed in the blink of an eye.

As he walked through some woods, creatures appeared out of nowhere eating the flesh of their victims. Tasting and savouring the flavour of their one people's skin. Black tendrils leaked from their skin into the gashes and other wounds of the creatures, allowing them to become what they desired.

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