In a Kingdom Far Away

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"Once Upon a time, there was a prince who fell in love with a human girl. She was a lowly human girl, yet the prince couldn't help but be entranced by her beauty and simplicity to life. He found home in her. She lived such a simple life compared to his complex one. 

His life was filled with extravaganzas, beautiful women, wonderful traveling, delicious food, and riches upon riches. Yet she shined his shoes, washed his sheets, and ate stale food every day without a complaint. In her he saw something so beautiful. He saw happiness. She humbles him. She reminded him of how much he has to be grateful for, and how there are people who suffer greatly.

She reminded him that you don't need such riches to be happy. He found himself following after her, wanting to get to know her. She often ignored his advances which greatly frustrated him. Every woman he met fell to her knees for him, and this human girl was rejecting him?

A party was hosted for the Prince's eighteenth birthday. She was hired to sing. He had never heard her sing as she refrained when anyone was around. The second her voice left her mouth every single person in the room was left in awe. He looked at her with wide eyes and fast beating heart. He watched her in admiration as her heavenly voice filled the room. It was at that moment he realized how deeply in love with her he was. 

As time went on she began to see him as more than a pompous prince. He hired her to be his maid and endlessly teased her and made friends with her in the hopes of something more.

One day he found the love of his life dead on the floor. His father came up behind him and said 'you can't love a peasant, a girl who isn't a vampire.' He never cried as much as he did that day."

I stared boredly at the soothsayer. "Is that all, why are you reading me my own story from the book of Nobility" 

She smiles her rotten teeth showing. "ah ah, but the story's not over yet though my King, and I'm sure you know that. You've found her haven't you."

I look down fighting a small smile on my face. "and that's why you're here today" she continues.

I clear my throat. "yes"

She nods. "after she died, I suppose the universe took pity on you both, after all, you had a love that even the stars were jealous of." 

"so they gave you both a second chance, she is indeed your mate." I nod content with her answer. 

Briar. The girl I have loved for a century. 

"She's been reincarnated, and as you can see, she still looks the same as a hundred years ago."

I small smile makes its across my face as I think of her beauty. Her beautiful laughter, her heartstopping smile. The way her curly hair defies, how it refuses to look at the ground but instead gaze at the sky.

 And her beautiful voice. How I longed to hear her sing for me again. My heart grew more and more reclusive after she was taken from me.

The day that I saw her again after one hundred years. I remember it so vividly. I was looking out my window at her favorite garden. The small one near the servant's quarters. I watered that garden every morning. I clipped the flowers and them and took care of them. No one was allowed to enter that garden except me.

 It was a memory for her. I felt a pang in my heart. I began to get visions of another place, a very foreign place with strange things and her. She looked the same yet different, she was wearing pants and a shirt. She was not in Astoria.  In realizing she was alive I Immedealty rejoiced, I had never felt such happiness in my life since before her death. My heart felt lighter. and for the first time in a hundred years I smiled, for the first time, I saw the world in colour again. Things looked brighter, the future looked brighter. The sky looked bluer, the grass greener and my eyes happier.

People often had asked when I was going to get a queen, an heir was expected of me. But after her death, I never wanted to marry. If I were to have an heir I decided it would be from adoption that is until I found her.

I found a way to visit her in her dreams but I wanted to visit her physically. I looked for the soothsayer for a year until she just showed up at my castle gates one day. 

She said, "if you look for me, you'll never find me, I have to find you." The woman infuriates me to no end.

"How do I see her, I want to bring her to Astoria, she will be Queen." She smiles. 

"easy child"

Her eye glints and suddenly I'm in a room full of mirrors. I see my taunting reflections staring at me. Then I see hers a few mirrors down. She's talking.

"Tiana look at this painting!" 

I see her through a mirror while she sees a painting it seems.

Her voice is a sweet melody to my ears. One I only hear in our dreams.

I walk over to the mirror and place my hand on her face as if I was caressing her soft skin. Her hair still worn the same, out curly. Her brown doe eyes staring at me as if she could see me. 

"Call out to her, tell her to come", I hear the soothsayer's voice.


She turns around with alarm on her face.

"Briar" I repeat more commanding.

"touch the painting."

"W-what" she whispers delicately fear dripping in her tone.

"touch it" I coax caressing the bond.

In a trance she reaches out to touch the mirror

Then she disappears.

And so do I.


My head feels groggy and I wake up in a plush environment. My bed.

I shoot up in a panic.

"Where is she!" I call out into the darkness of the room.

I hear a laugh.

"Be patient, my lord."

"For she is coming."

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