The Beauty and the Beast

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Clarity. It was always important to me. We were in a clearing that would show his blood spilled cleanly on the ash fault. The wind blew and the sun was colder today. I sat in the chair in red high-collared robes.

Red for her blood the rat spilled.

Red for his blood that will be spilled today.

My ears pricked in amusement when I was informed they found him hiding in the gutters trying to escape. Swimming through sewage like the rodent he is.

Cream walls surrounded us as my twelve stood behind me. My red robes were a stark contrast against the cream rubble onyx walls that surrounded us. I rarely have people beheaded, a rather favorite hobby of my father; however, there are times when you have to pluck out the weeds.

"Bring him out" I command. From the opening archway on the west of the wall they bring him out, his arrogant face twisted in a grin yet I sense the fear behind his eyes.

They force him to kneel before me and he spits at the ground.

I look at him with disgust.

"You threatened and drank from your queen."

"Not my queen" he spits. "She's sustenance."

My patience snaps.

"Behead him now!"

They drag him away to the chopping block and I watch with greed.

"Alente rare lumile fora ten"

Those who sin will repent.

The axe comes down with a loud thud. His head rolls to the ground and blood sprays.



I walk to my room slowly my head pounding. I was thinking about Briar. My mouth watered. I had not marked her yet or consummated with her. I needed her blood or else I would die.

I tried to prolong this in fear she would be scared and give up on the prospect of ever being with me. I craved her blood, yes, but it was more than that. I wanted her whole, I craved every part of her. Even after I turn her I will still drink from her and she from me, it's a form of intimacy between mates.

She however marked me and it had felt amazing. It was the most wonderful experience of my life, to feel her lips on my skin, to feel our souls intertwine. I had to hold the sheets so hard I ripped them without her knowledge to stop the most embarrassing reaction from occurring.

I had checked the mark in the mirror that night I went to my room and smirked at the obvious hickies she had left in her ravenous desire from the marking.

Suddenly I stumbled and grabbed a table and the vase fell and shattered. There were almost no maids on the floor of my chambers per my request. I fall to the ground as I felt myself growing weak, I felt like a heavy weight had been put on my chest restricting me from breathing properly. I began to heave.

Out of blurry vision, I crawl to the art room and shiver on the cold marble floor. I lay on the floor looking at the domed ceiling of heaven.

"Your highness!" A voice shrieks. A maid leans over me shaking me. "Should I get a physician?"

"No-no" I rasp out. "He can't help"

"What shall I do?" She panics.

I turn away my cheeks tinting a slight pink.

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