Lily and Lavender

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Briar Rose

I groan as I feel my head pounding slightly. I rub my eyes and slowly open them to where I am.

I see a blue sky full of fluffy white clouds dancing.

Slowly sitting up I gasp, I am in a forest. The forest looks exactly like the painting. Birds are chirping and if it weren't for the fact I didn't know where the hell I was I would have enjoyed the beauty of this place.

I get up and realize I am wearing a dress?! A long beautiful tulle dress. It's a soft blue with glitter crystals around the off-shoulder neckline. The sleeves were big and grand. I felt like I was in Cinderella or something.

This has to be a dream.

I pinch myself.


As I sit on the ground in complete and utter shock I have no choice but to ask myself

Has the world gone to hell?

Though this looked more like heaven to me.

I heard a voice, touched a painting, and ended up here in a dress.

I must be in the painting.

I decide to get up and explore my surroundings. I see a small figure in the distance looking at me curiously from the trees. A fox?

It slowly comes up to me and I cautiously step back. It sits in front of me and rubs its head on my dress as if trying to show me it's friendly. It darts ahead and looks back. I come to the assumption it wants me to follow it.

"alright foxy" I sigh. It's not like I have other options.

As I follow foxy through the expanse I realize what my life has come to. I am lost and following a fox is my only lead...

And Tiana? Is she okay, she's not in the painting too.

I have so many questions but they are all silenced as I come across a grove. There are two women sitting on stones drinking tea and laughing. The women are insanely beautiful. One woman has pale skin and long lilac hair flowing down to her waist and bright purple eyes that look cut from amethyst. A gold headband adorns her head. The other woman has honey brown skin and short pink hair that looks like an old Hollywood bob, fluffy and blown out, and butterfly clips in her hair. They are both wearing vintage long white dresses that flow.

I look down to see foxy gone. Suddenly the women turn to me sensing my presence and their eyes go wide in surprise.

"Sorry, I'm just lost, and a fox brought me here. Can you please help me?" They talk in a foreign language and then turn to me.

The one with purple hair says "you are speaking a language of the vampires. Are you a vampire?" She asks her eyes wide with fear.

"N-no, I'm human, I-" "Wait vampires!? "Vampires exist?" I exclaim in shock.

She looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"Tsk, lavender, she just said she's hoo-man so she's from another realm obviously, one where they don't have vampires," the one with pink hair says.

I think back to the mystery man in my dreams. He never admitted it but he had fangs. Could he be a vampire?

She narrows her eyes "This is the land of Nala, we are nymphs, how did you get here."

My eyes look up as I try to recount the story. "Well, I was in a museum in my realm and then I heard a voice telling me to touch a painting that looked exactly like this forest. I touched it and ended up here.... in a dress." I explain.

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