Pursuing Fate

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I watch her from the window as he goes on a walk with Tiana.

I hum in happiness. My heart has never felt so light in so long. The wedding will be soon. In about two months. I must tell her today so she can have her dress fittings and we can plan everything. It will be perfect, everything. I can't wait any longer to have her as mine, it's been too long and she slipped from my fingers once, it won't happen again.

I look at her glowing skin and my fangs retract in hunger. We have not mated so I have to drink her blood to satiate my carnal side. When mates find each other they usually immediately mark each other and mate but Briar is a human now and didn't understand. I was willing to give her time but as time goes on it was becoming increasingly difficult and if she won't let me make love to her and complete the bond I'll need to drink her blood until it happens or else

I'll die.

"Ahh, the prince in love becomes a king and loves still."

I turn around to see Lance leaning on the frame of the opening to the courtyard.

I roll my eyes scoffing.

"And what about you Lance?"

"Tiana and I are wonderful," he says with a glazed look in his eye.

I wish Briar wasn't so stubborn, I wish we could have what they did if only she'd let me in.

I can see the way she shivers under my fingertips, her body betrays her but her mind never does. She won't give in. But no matter what, I will not stop pursuing, I will break her will if I have to.

She either surrenders or I force her to. I have a million ways to make her want me.

Indeed Lance has been with me through it all, he became my best friend in my adolescence when my father introduced him as the son of his new advisor. We were the same age and we immediately became friends enjoying each other's wittiness. He saw me fall for her and lose her as well.

"I must admit she was feisty at first but she eventually gave in." He chuckles.

"Don't concern yourself Dorian she'll come around."

I smile softly "I'm not"


"Where is she"? I ask a servant in the hallway.

"She's in the kitchen" she shakes slightly.

"No need to be in fear" I laugh softly.

Of course, Briar is in the kitchen, yes she's been reincarnated but she's still the same. I head to the louder busier part of the castle, the east wing. Servants bowing and muttering 'your highness' as I pass.

I enjoy the smell. of the kitchen as I open the large doors and see the grand kitchen and fire. Cooks scurrying around. In the midst of it all is Briar wearing a huge apron over her dress smiling and helping them cook. She is micing ingredients right now. 

A grand smile makes its way across my face. It's like deja vu, we're back where we were all those decades ago when she was in the kitchen and I watched her cook. Except now she's not a maid, but a queen.

Her hair is pulled back into a messy ponytail and there is an apron tied around her dress. She doesn't even care if it gets dirty.

So beautiful.

I stride in.

"Your highness, your robes will soil" An older maid fusses. I chuckle not keeping my gaze off my angelic wife.

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