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"Valtryek and I will fight until the final and then I want to compete against Shu and you" Algería laughed a little. "But you already know that it isn't possible. After all, there will be only two bladers in the final" "WHAAAT?!" Valt got huge, wet eyes. "But I want to compete against both of you" The two were on their way home, it was quite late because they were training in the park. "I hate that rule" "You know, even if only two make it to the final, all three of us can make it to the semifinals and there the probability isn't too low that you will face one of us" "Yes, but if I do then I've to defeat one of you to get to the final, it's not great either" "That's the way it is with tournaments. You also had no problem defeating Honcho
" "Because Honcho and I aren't really that good friends" "But only you see it that way" "What do you mean by that?" "Valt!" The two stopped. They had arrived at Valt's home. "Mom said you should come with us to the theater" Nika and Toko tried to pull their big brother with them. "What? What theater?" "There is a puppet show in the mall that Toko and Nika would like to see. I still have a few orders for tomorrow so I don't have time. So would you go with them, please?" "But mom, I need some refreshment" Valt's mother handed him a bag full of bey breat.

"I can come with you if you want" Valt looked at Algería. "You would do that?" "Sure, my parents aren't home and neither is my stepbrother" "Then you can stay with us too, can't she mom?" Valt's mother looked back and forth between the two. "If it's okay for your parents" "My mother won't have a problem with it" "Perfect" Valt took his and Algería's bags, put them in his mother's hands and the four of them set off. In the shopping center, many children had already gathered in front of the Theater Box. Toko and Nika sat down and Valt also took a seat. Algería was a little surprised, but sat down next to him with a smile. The theater was about the fact that a knight who looked a lot like Valt had to save a princess, but she was guarded by a gigantic dragon. In addition, a brown dog and...another indefinable creature appeared, whose roles Algería didn't fully understand. The knight was repeatedly beaten by the dragon, which Valt didn't like. He seemed to feel the theater more than all the toddlers around them.

At Valt's home, they had dinner while Toko and Nika talked about the theater. "And then there was also this knight, he was like Valt," Nika giggled. "He wasn't like me at all!" Valt put a piece of bey bread in his mouth. "Total, right Algería?" "He looked a little like Valt, yes," Valt grunted. "Don't be so Valt. It was just a theater" "You have no idea, Mom" ​​"You finish your meal and then do your homework. Then you get other thoughts" Valt emptied his plate. "Come on, Algería" Algería, who had already finished eating, got up and followed Valt up to his room. His mom had a sleeping bag spread out on the floor with a mat and a blanket or two underneath. The two sat on their homework for a while. "I would much rather blade than do homework" "Homework is important. Besides, it's getting late" Valt scribbled the final solutions to the math homework in his notebook and closed it. "Have you already let your mom know?" "Yes" "Can you suggest that I sleep with you the next time?" "Not a very good idea" "Why not?" "My stepfather isn't so keen to visit my friends" "What do you mean?" "Not so important" Algería closed her notebook and book and put them in her bag. "I'm tired...we should go to sleep" "Oh? Yes, right. I'll show you where the bathroom is...Do you need something else to wear?" "No, I have something with me" "You have something with you?" "If I go running, I need something to change too, right?" "Do you put on your workout clothes?" "No, I always have two clothes in my gym bag"

After Algería had showered and was back in Valt's room, he looked at her a little more closely. "Everything okay?" "Somehow this shirt and the pants look familiar to me" Well, maybe it was a bit of a fool about the spare clothes and it was a shirt and pants from Shu that he had given Algería. "Whatever. I'll also take a quick shower" As soon as Valt was gone, he was back as quickly. It was strange to see Valt without his headband. Valt slipped under his covers and turned off the light. "Good night" "Night, Valt"

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