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"That's it! That's it!" "No, this is your usual rush launch" "Argh! Why doesn't it work anymore?!" "Practice makes perfect" "Or trying" "What do you mean?!" Valt pouted at Algería, who just laughed a little. "Concentrate on your training, otherwise your Flash launch will not do anything" "Right!" Valt turned back to the arena and continued practicing his new move. "And what about you?" Algería looked at Honcho. "What do you mean?" "You're going to need something new too, right?" "Yes..." "I don't want to hear the word. We wanted to come up with something to bring Fuerza forward. Have you already thought about a move? As long as Fuerza doesn't have enough stamina, she can do the Sparking Counter. So she needs something else" "How about a rush launch?" Algería and Honcho looked at Valt. "You" Honcho pointed to the blue-haired boy. "Concentration. here" Then he pointed to the arena. "I just wanted to help" "As long as you can't get your flash launch right, you shouldn't worry about Algería and Fuerza" Then Honcho looked at Algería. "And you're thinking of a new move. Brainstorming and stuff like that." He reached into his bag and pulled out a pad and pen. "Go" Algería took the pad and looked at Honcho. He didn't tolerate any contradictions, so Algería tried to write something helpful.

While Algería was brainstorming, Valt was practicing his flash launch, but neither of them really made any progress. "It won't work that way. If you haven't mastered your new move, it's far too risky to try it at the tournament" Valt looked at Valtryek. "I can do it! Just like Algí will manage to find a new move for Fuerza" Algería raised her eyes and Valt smiled at her. She nodded and returned his smile a little. "So go on, Honcho" "That's exactly the motivation!" Algería went back to the block. /Just as Algì will manage to find a new move for Fuerza/ Valt was right, if he can do it, she can too. Her pen flew over the sheet of paper, filling it with notes. "That's it!" The boys looked at her. "What's what?" "My new move" "You got an idea?" "Show it! Show it!" Algería put the block aside and took Fuerza and her launcher. "Valt?" "Yes!" They faced each other. "Ready? On your marks" "3,2,1 Let it rip" They pulled the chains and their beys landed in the arena. "Fuerza came in at a steep angle" "It looks like she's about to fall over" "Did she screw up the start?" //Fuerza is good at keeping her balance...She just has to get perfectly under Valtryek and then...// "Come on, Valtryek! Rush Launch!" Valtryek attacked. "Hold on, Fuerza" The two Bey hit each other. //That's it!// "Now Fuerza. Sparking Upper" Fuerza attacked, turned under Valtryek and shot her up. "Valtryek!" Valtryek landed in the arena and shattered. "Fire Fuerza with a burst finish" "No! It was so close" "Did you see how high Fuerza Valtryek shot?!" "Yes, that's called a free flight" "Mmm! Free flight lessons" Valt looked at Algería with twinkling eyes. "That was unbelievable! How Fuerza had turned under Valtryek! I really didn't expect that. You only 'Sparking Upper' and the Wush and then Bang and then Kaboom!" Algería smiled overwhelmed. "Thank you...?"

The next day was on and thus the last round before the semi-finals. Valt was already on fire, even though he hadn't perfected his Flash Launch yet. At Algería, the training had paid off. "Flash Launch! Flash Launch" "How about not yelling your new move around like that?" "I'm just so excited. If I win this battle, I'll get to the semi-finals" "Still no need to shout" "Valt Aoi? Hoji Konda? You are next" Valt stood up and looked at Algería. "Cross your fingers for me" "I'll do it" Valt went off and Algería watched his battle on the screen. Hoji Konda was a tough opponent but the win came to whoever wanted it most and that was Valt. "Didn't use your Flash Launch?" "I had the feeling I didn't need him" Algería looked at Valt with a bit of surprise. //Valt surprises me again and again// "Algería Warau? Wakiya Murasaki? You are next" "Now it's your turn. Give it your all and win!" "That shouldn't be a problem" Algería put on her gloves and nodded. The door opened and Algería stepped onto the stage. //Wakiya Murosaki...his bey is Wild Wyvron...a defense type. My new move can make a difference// "Algería Warau, it should be an honor for me to fight you but it doesn't because you'll lose to me just like the rest of the world" "If you say so" "Ready? On your marks! " "3,2,1 Let it rip"

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