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National Individual Championships. The grand finale of this year's state championship. Some pretty good bladers from Japan will be fighting for the title of the champion there. Although not all of the Beigoma Academy Bey Club took part in the tournament, they all trained together. Valt was of course late once again as he had fought this Naomi guy in the park. As it turned out, he was Valt's first opponent at the state championship. "You didn't let that Naoki win, he wiped the floor with you" "And why did your start power drop so much?" "Next time I'll win!" "Probably his weak start power has something to do with the loss against Lui...Accepting a loss live in front of the whole world is not easy" "Do you really think that's the reason?" "Think about it... He's also messed up his starts in training since the defeat... It can't be a coincidence" "Show us a start, Valt" "Okay" The blue-haired took his bey and launcher and went to the arena. Shu did the same. "3,2,1 Let it rip" As expected, Valt's start was a disaster and Spryzen was able to knock Valtryek out of the arena in seconds. "That was a bit exaggerated, didn't you think?" "Don't put the blame on me. First of all, you hardly noticed my start. Second, you're missing every detail and your game isn't as good as it was before our battle against Rideout." "That's not true..." " I'm counting on our fight in the finals! So pull yourself together" Shu left. "As long as you don't concentrate on your battles, training is useless" Algería took her bag. "Algí...?" "I have to prepare myself for my battles and the way you are now, I can't train with you." She also left.

Algería walked the crowded streets of the city. Some people recognized her, even approached her, but the redhead didn't have the nerve for them. She disappeared into the training center, simply walking past the security men. "Hey little one! You can't just get in here like that!" That's right, since only select bladers were allowed to train in it and they were only allowed to use it during the team battles. But that didn't really matter to Algería. The automatic door opened and she entered the room beyond. The thick rope slammed to the ground next to her, but she didn't mind. She walked past it and stopped behind him. "Train with me" He retracted the rope and looked at her. "What about the kindergarten you call friends?" Algería clenched her hands into fists. "I just want to fight, is that so hard to understand?!" Lui looked at her and walked past her. "If it helps you blow off steam" The two walked into the nearby room that contained some arenas. The room was empty, although the one-on-one fights soon began. Algería was not deterred and so the two fought some battles. Lui won them all, but without any effort. "Once again!" "Certainly not. You're not focused and you're fighting as badly as you did years ago. You're usually more capable, so what's the matter?" "Are you saying I'm weak?!" "Yeah, and actually you're not! You're a lot better than what you were just now and I'm definitely not fighting like this anymore." Algería clenched her hands into fists. "Does the defeat in the team final bother you all?" "What?! No" "Tell me or leave" Lui took Luinor and left the room. Algería sighed and followed him.

"Valt can't get over losing to you and is completely unfocused..." "And that bothers you?" "I...don't know" "I've told you many times that it doesn't matter if others win or lose" They entered the locker room. "Don't let his problems get to you. If he's serious about everything like he sad to me during the final, then he can pull himself together. You want to defeat me in the national championship final, don't you?" "Yes..." "Then focus on that and not on him. These aren't team battles anymore, so don't worry about your opponents" "Then let's fight again! Come on, Lui" Lui opened his locker and got out his bag. "It's late. We can continue training tomorrow but for today, I'll take you home." Algería grinned a little. "And you tell me not to worry about my opponents" "That's something else too" "Just tell yourself that" "That's the truth" "Of course" Lui rolled his eyes. "You're exhausting, you know that?" "That's why you like me so much"

"Listen, I want you to give it your all and fight seriously in the one-on-ones. It's important to me, you know?" The two walked through the empty streets to the blocks of flats where Algería lived. "Sure, my goal is to beat you in the final" "I'm serious, Algería" "I mean it too. I didn't get this far for nothing. I want to show you how far I've come and how much it means a lot to me to fight you" "It means a lot to me too, but you have to pull yourself together and not get disqualified in the first round" "I won't, I promise" They arrived at the apartments. "I'm counting on it." Lui held out his hand. Algeria clapped in. "You can do that too." She smiled. "Fine and don't forget to let yourself down. By nothing and nobody" "I won't" "I'll see you tomorrow then" Algería put her hands on Lui's shoulders. "Why run away so quickly? Come up with me" "Wha-?" Algería pushed Lui toward the front door. "We have to make up the lost time" "I have to..." "Nothing. You don't have to do anything but come with me"

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