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State Championship Team Battles...The five friends had prepared well for it. They had trained a lot since it was weekend. They were running, fought, and ended the evenings at Shu's home with pasta and movies. In addition, some strange things had happened to Valt, which he and his siblings told about. He first lost his bey after crashing a strange boy's skateboard into a tree. The stranger had found Valtryek and returned it to Valt. Then he said he had a dream about a masked Blader who was pretty strong. Valt was weird, his friends knew that. Now the day had come. On this day, the team battles began in the afternoon, so before that they had to train again...well, not quite. It started this morning on the roof of Beigoma Academy...

"I speak the athletes' oath that opens the national championships" Valt grinned. "Really?" "Yes, they called us yesterday" "That's all well and good, but how do you think he'll fare up there? Stage fright! How is he supposed to speak the athletes' oath like that?" Honcho wasn't entirely wrong about that. "Everybody's making a big deal out of it. I mean, how bad can it get?" It was clear that Valt overestimated the whole thing. "It probably goes like this." He stood up straight and held out his hand. "I declare these battles to be totally awesome" "Probably...not!" "Dude, do you have any idea what the state championship is about?" "Of course, I know what it's about. That we fight and get to the top" "That's one thing, but to be honest, I think you're not aware of something" "What is it?" "Lots of bladers and fans will come here to watch. You know, thousands!" Valt paled. "That's quite a lot..." "And every battle is televised live. In other words, the whole country is watching you" "The whole country?!" "You're representing each of us, you can't afford a single mistake." "Sure...It doesn't put me under any pressure" Valt's head was red. "Do you have to scare him like that?" "I...So...I...So..." Algería got up and grabbed her bag. "Have you any better idea?" "Anything is better than scaring him" The redhead left the boys behind. "Something she wants to tell us"

Knowing her boys wouldn't come up with the idea, Algí took it on. In the breaks she took care of preparing Valt for his big performance. "I don't understand..." Valt looked at the note Algería had given him. "I wrote down the athletes' oath for you" "I had the same idea only Algí was faster than me" The girl looked at Honcho with a stern look. "...I'm quiet..." "Anyway, if you remember that, everything will be fine" "Ah, so something like the winner's acceptance speech?!" Valt held the note firmly in his hands and held them out. "Hey dude, the cameras won't see you if you put the paper in front of your face" "What do you mean?" Valt looked at Honcho. "Memorize it" Valt looked at the piece of paper. "I can never remember that." The blue-haired boy wanted to back down, but his friends didn't give up that easily. "Stayed here" Honcho held the smaller one tight. "I can't get that in my head" "You won't know until you try it. We'll start with reading it out loud. Come on." Honcho let go of Valt, who was glancing between paper and his friends . "My oath, my promise to all bladers it shall be... bladers it shall be... bladers shall... it...be..." The blue-haired boy's head reddened once more. "Buddy, can you do that?" "Pretty hot in here..." A lot of steam came out of Valt's ears. "Here's a pressure valve really handy." Valt took a deep breath. "I have an idea, you can practice in the park after school" "Beyblade training, right?!" "No, I meant your oath of athletes"

So training Valt's fluency was priority number one. Hours passed in which they tried everything they could to get the Athlete's Oath into Valt's mind. "...And with that, I declare the National Championship Team Battles open." Valt looked at his friends, who were holding the slip of paper and checking that Valt didn't forget a single word. "That's it!" "YEAHAA!" "You see, it wasn't that difficult after all." Algería looked at her cell phone. "And we still have...20 minutes?!" "WHAT?!" The squad grabbed their bags and headed towards the training center where the team battles were taking place. As captain, Valt had to go to the Blader's area alone while the rest of the team took their seats in the stands.

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