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The team battle against the Sword Flames was now a few days ago. Of course, the defeat was frustrating, but the members of the Beigoma Academy Bey Club felt like they had grown together even more. They weren't a real team yet, but they had passed the first challenge as a team and fought as a team...More or less. Now the time had come to introduce themselves to the regional championships...well, as far as the four got invitations, but well, they trained every day anyway.

"Ready? On your mark!" "3,2,1 Let it rip" Valt was busy awakening Valtryek. While he still wasn't quite sure what it was for, he only knew it could bolster Valtryek and who said no to an opportunity to bolster their bey. Valt and Daigo battled while Algería, Honcho and the Aoi twins analyzed. It was about finding out more about this awakening and it seems like Valt is in better control of his bey than he was a few days ago. The two beys collided and Doomscizor shattered. "Valt wins the battle with a Burst Finish" "Well done buddy" Valt took his bey out of the arena and looked at him. "We rock that thing"

//Valt found out what was wrong with Valtryek, but Valtryek's awakening is not over yet. So Valt should still be careful//

"Algí?!" The redhead looked at Valt, who was looking at her with a cocked head. "What?" "I asked if we're going to fight now" "Sure" Algería pulled her belt, with her launcher and bey, out of her pocket and buckled it on. She pulled Fuerza and her launcher out of their mounts and headed toward the arena. "Ready? On your mark!" The beys were rotated to the launchers. "3,2,1 Let it rip!" Fuerza and Valtryek ended up in the arena. "Attack with a Rush Launch" Fuerza charged at Valtryek, who made no move to dodge or attack. "No, Valtryek!" Fuerza hit Valtryek and the blue bey flew edged out of the arena. "Fire Fuerza with a Ring Out Finish!" Valt picked up his bey. "Not again" "The awakened state of a bey is a lot stronger than the normal state, but it takes a lot of training and concentration to master it!" "I know and I'll manage to reach this awakened state" "Battle number 2!"

//This time we'll do it, partner! We won't lose//

But just a few seconds after the start, Valtryek was outside the arena again. "And Algí wins the battle with another Ring Out Finish" "THAT CANNOT BE!" "I told you that a lot of training is required" Algería took her bey and put it away. "Tell me what to do!" "Training and doing it harder and more serious than usual" "Okay, then we'll do it now...a 1000 meter run" Honcho crossed his arms. "Yeah, plus 5000 squats and 3000 sit ups" "Yeah, what are you waiting for" "You can't even last 100 yards so let it go" "We'll see about that" "Take it seriously, Valt! " "I take it dead seriously" "Oh yes?! But I don't notice any of that!" Algería and Daigo just sighed next to them.

"Hello you four" Valt and Honcho parted. "Oh...Hello Director Shinoda" "Look what was in the mail today. Invitations to the Regional Championships" "YES!!!" "It's finally time! Tell me, who got an invitation?" "Let's see. The first one goes to" "ME!" Valt stepped forward. "I think you should wait for him to read your name" "Oh come on, it's clear I'll get the first one" "Daigo Kurogami" The black-haired man was surprised. "Congratulations" "Yes...thanks" He accepted the invitation. "Go on to the next one" "All right." Valt held out his arms. "Hoji Konda and Wakiya Murosaki" "Wha-?" "If you're looking for those two, they're doing their running training down there." "Then let them both go. The next one goes to Algería Warau. Well done." Algí accepted the invitation. "So and now the last one" "There is only one left?" "That's a joke, isn't it?" Valt and Honcho looked at each other. "It's for you Valt" Valt accepted the invitation and looked at her. "Are you sure this is the last one?" "It's not that bad. Maybe it's because I lost to Valt in the first round in the district championship." Honcho's mood was in the basement. "Sorry Honcho" "It's weird considering Honcho is actually pretty good" Valt looked at Algería. "What do you mean?" Before the redhead could answer, the bluehead was distracted by a piece of paper flying through the air. "Look" "What was that?" "That looked like one of the invitations" "Maybe it's Honcho's invitation?" "Don't worry. I've got a lot to do anyway." "Are you sure?" "Of course not! I'm going completely nuts here!" "But you're still the best coach" "This breaks my heart" Rantaro sniffled and headed for the door that led back to the school. "There's the invitation!" Suddenly Valt started running. "Valt, watch ou-" Valt had pushed Honcho, who flew over. "I'm walking here!" The smaller one continued to follow the paper, straight into the fence. "My face..." Algería sighed. "Leave it, Valt" "But the invitation..." "STOP GIVING ME HOPE!" Honcho was pretty depressed that he didn't get an invite and Valt seemed pretty upset too.

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