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It was an odd moment. More of a weird dream but it wasn't one...unfortunately. The masked man jumped off the ladder and landed in front of the friends. "Don't be afraid. I'm here with the most enlightened mission: to spread the love of Beyblade. I'm: The Masked Blader!"

"Has anyone an idea what this is supposed to be?!" "We'll see in a moment" "What a complete idiot" The helicopter flew away. While everyone wanted to know what this was all about, Valt was pretty speechless. "You are the Masked Blader I dreamed of... That's the most realistic dream I've ever had." His friends sighed. "It doesn't feel like I'm sleeping" "Because you're not sleeping either, Valt" "Not at all" But Valt ignored his siblings' comment. "Masked Blader, what do you think about continuing our last battle?" "This enthusiasm is positively contagious. I hope we can compete against each other during the team battles." "What do you mean?" "My Superstars are in Block B, so you guys have to get to the finals." Valt cocked his head. "We would know if you were in the tournament" Toko and Nika approached their big brother. "Open your eyes" They pulled on Valt's cheeks, which of course hurt. "Ow!" "It's not a dream!" "Take off your mask and show him" "I'd like to but then my fans would be after me" "Maybe reconsider that theory" Daigo pointed behind the masked Blader where the whole school was gathered and whispered. "Fair enough. My brilliance won't go undiscovered for long anyway. Let's reveal the true identity of the masked Blader. Tadaa" He took off his mask "Zac the Sunrise" And his fans went berserk. "Oh wow...this really blows my mind" "So you fought really Zac" "WAAAAAAH!" The group covered their ears. "Pinch me!" "Dude, how could you not have checked that?" "Furthermore, I have an announcement for you: You are invited to my celebration. I have prepared an enchanting day for you."

Of course Valt had agreed and now the troupe was standing on the square where the "celebration" was to be held. And honestly, it was more reminiscent of a fairground than a simple celebration.

"Are you all having a brilliant time? I have a surprise for you once the concert is over so stay after the show. I promise you won't be disappointed."

"So cool" "Yes!" Valt and Honcho were very excited. "Wow, I don't even know where to start" Toko and Nika were also enthusiastic, but they were still small children. "How about the exit? That's pretty hollow" "That's just like Zac" Daigo and Algería weren't thrilled and Shu...was Shu, neutral like no other. While the three stayed in the background, Valt and Honcho ran to the first food stand and bought pasta. "I thought I'd meet you guys here" "Xander?" Looks like Zac invited pretty much every team from Team Battles. "Hope you can stay a little longer. Sounds like Zac has big plans for us afterwards" "Yeah, we heard that" "Have fun then. See you later." Xander left with his team. "And what are we doing now?" "Hey guys! Come with me! There's plenty of food we can try here." Valt and Honcho ran ahead and the rest of the troupe followed. While they're here, they could have fun, right?

The concert was in full swing. The friends tried all kinds of food and fought at some arenas. "There!" Valt and Honcho were usually somewhere else when the others got to the booth before. "Where have they both gone now?" Algería looked around. They had lost sight of the two and it wasn't easy to find the two weirdos in such a crowd. "Is that then...?" The redhead looked in the direction Daigo was pointing. There was a huge arena set up which was like a bouncy castle and on it were two morons in Bey costumes. If you look closely you could see that they were their idiots. The friends ran towards the air arena where Valt was just thrown back in by Xander and flew straight at Honcho. "Everything okay?" "Yeah..." "Stop running away, we'll never find you again" "Then you'd better be walking around in those costumes all day" "Sorry...but that looked fun" Valt and Honcho climbed the sides up. "Come on, we'll help you out of this." Valt grabbed his brother's hand. In that costume, he could use any help. The music stopped in the background and Zac's voice could be heard again.

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