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The final began. This feeling was indescribable.

"It's time to call the last two teams onto the stage! In the red corner, the team that fought its way to the top: The Beigoma Academy Bey Club. And in the blue corner: A force to be reckoned with: The Team Rideout"

The teams took the stage. Five to four. Lui wasn't there.

"Here's a quick rundown of the rules: In the final, the team that gets five points first wins. Each team registers three competitors. If it goes beyond the first three rounds, we go into overtime, where any blader can compete. So think well and decide wisely"

"Get him! Spank him! Get him! Spank him!" "Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good too." Valt and Honcho were as usual, without any worries. "We have to pick the first three. So who goes?" They looked at Valt. "Not again..." Valt looked at his team. "All right! Got it! We'll take Daigo...Shu...and Honcho" "Excellent choice" First Daigo scanned his starter, then Honcho, then Shu, then Valt... "Wait a minute...why's that working not?" "You chose three balders, remember?" "GAAAH! I FORGOT TO SCHEDULE MYSELF!" The four just sighed behind him. "Who goes first?" "Me, if that's all right with you" "Honcho...?" "I didn't qualify for the individual fights, so I want to win this fight. For me and for the team." Valt nodded. "Well then get out there and show them" "Come on Honcho!" Rantaro took the stage for his team.

"Rideout's first fighter is young but promising Kyo Santai. And look who's there to heat things up, our very favorite ticking time bomb Rantaro Kiyama"

//There's no question that I lose now! It's for the team and for my friends//

"Resign, now I'm just getting started" Honchos fans cheered. "Are you ready, little one? I have a huge fanbase that has my back" "You can brag all you want, but that won't help you win the battle" "Ha! Not that, but it feels good" "Stop it" "Time for the first battle. Ready? On your mark!" "3,2,1 Let it rip" The Beys landed in the arena. Roktavor took the center. "I hope you're taking notes because I'm going to teach you something" "This fight is mine" Kyos Bey charged, but Roktavor didn't seem to care a bit. "One more attack and I'll burst your bey" "You think so, yes? Roktavor Zone! Put an end to it" The two beys collided and Roktavor knocked the opposing bey out of the arena. "Raging Roktavor with a Ring Out Finish. One Point goes to Beigoma Academy Bey Club" "This will go down in history books"

"That was awesome" "He proved that self-confidence brings a lot" "He sometimes has a big mouth but you can rely on him" "I'll pull out all the stops. I have nothing left to lose" Honcho came down the stage and high fives with Valt. "That was great! You rocked that thing" "Of course. What did you think?" Daigo scanned his starter. "Go Daigo! You can do it" Daigo nodded. "Sure thing" "Do your best!" The black-haired entered the stage.

"The second fighter for Rideout is their undisputed captain Gabe Brunai and he goes up against the blader who draws his power from the shadows, Daigo Kurogami"

"Second battle! Ready? On your marks" "3,2,1 Let it rip" Doomscizor came in flat while Gaianon launched at an angle.

"He saw through him" "Gabe was counting on Daigo expecting the same strategy he used against Orochi" "Not good..." "You can still do it!"

"Did you think I'd do the same move twice?" Gaianon attacked Doomscizor. "Get out of there, quickly." Doomscizor dodged Gaianon's attacks, but slowed down. "It's enough to run away! We're going to attack now! Now, Doomscizor" Now Doomscizor attacked. He did hit Gaianon but it wasn't an overly effective attack. "Do it, Doomscizor" "Now, Gaianon! Swing Counter" "Knock him out of there!" The two Beys hit each other and then bounced off each other. They got slower and slower. It became an endurance battle. It was close, but Doomscizor stopped a fraction of a second early. "Giga Gaianon with a Survivor Finish. One point goes to Rideout"

"Guys...I'm sorry" "If one loses a point, the others catch up, right?" Daigo looked at Algería. "...Yes..." "It's not over until it's over and it's still open as of now" "Hey Valt" Valt looked at Shu. "Yes?" "Take care of it for me, okay?" Shu gave something in Valt's hands and walked onto the stage. "Hm? His glove?" The other three looked at Valt. "What's he up to?" "He's not going to...?!
"Now comes Rideout's little Mafiosi Shinki Mikuni versus Shu Kurenai from the Beigoma Academy Bey Club. Rumor has it that Shu injured his shoulder. I guess we'll find out in a moment."

"I think it's more than just a rumor but don't think I'll hold back on that. I pretty much have the win in my pocket!" "Third Battle" Shu reached into his pocket and pulled out a glove. As his team expected, he slipped it over his left hand.

"Surprise! Big surprise! Shu Kurenai preparing for a left hand launch! Unbelievable!"

//Rantaro...Daigo...I will finish what you started//

"Ready? On your marks" "3,2,1 Let it rip" And the battle began. Shu managed to start Spryzen with no problems. The two beys hit each other. "I didn't expect you to have that trick up your sleeve, but I'll still win this fight" The Beys kept hitting each other. "It's time! Counter Break" Spryzen attacked and burst the opposing bey. "Storm Spryzen with a burst finish. Two points goes to Beigoma Academy Bey Club"

"He did it!" "Well done!"

"Shu wins with an unexpected left-hand start, giving Beigoma Academy Bey Club a two-point lead. It's still open, so we're going into overtime."

"I don't believe it... Victory was within reach..."

"You are a disgrace! Get off the stage!"

Those words echoed through the stadium.

"That voice..." "Isn't that...?!" "What is he doing here?!"

"Lui Shirosagi hasn't appeared in any team battles yet. Is he here to save the day?"

Luis entered the stage. "Lui..." "Didn't you hear me? Get lost! I won't condone your lousy performance! Bladers like you belong on the team over there" Lui looked at Valt, who was becoming angry again.

Valt started to run towards Lui but Honcho held him back. "Calm down real quick Valt" "He made Algí cry! I'll never forgive him for that! Let go, Honcho! I'll show that guy what's in it for him" "I can understand your anger! We all are, but if you don't calm down, everything can go wrong!" "Whatever! He deserves it!" "Leave it Valt!" The blue-haired calmed down and looked at Algería. "Algí...?" Blue fixed purple. "I know how you feel, but there's only one way to clear this up. You have to defeat him in a battle." She could see a wicked grin forming on Lui's lips. Algería looked at Valt. "It's the only way he'll understand that his motives for blading aren't right." Valt's eyes widen. He lowered his gaze and thought again of the words Algería had said... and the promise he had made to his best friend.

"Lui isn't a bad person...Yes, he may be a bit harsh and can't really deal with feelings, but he always gave his all and loved bladen."

"Do you want to know what happened?" "He's my best friend...I just want him to enjoy bladein' like he did back then and I'd do anything for that." Valt looked at the redhead. "If that's what you want, I'll help you where I can" Algería looked at him in surprise. "Valt...?" "That's what friends are for, isn't it?" Valt smiled.

Valt took a deep breath. Honcho released their captain. "You're right." The blue-haired looked back at Algería. "I will fight him and defeat him for you! Right here and now! He will regret hurting you!"

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