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Day 2 in the mountains began. The Beigoma Bey Club had arrived at the dojo, where Xander and Yugo were waiting for them. "We're here, as promised! It's time for a revenge!" Valt was pretty excited and jumpy the whole way. Much more than he used to be. "That's the right attitude" "It's going to be legendary! Our first team battle!" "Your first team battle? Then this will be a good experience for you." "It will be great" Valt walked forward happily. "The boy should slow down a bit, otherwise he'll hurt himself" Exactly at the moment when Honcho had uttered this sentence, the blue-haired stumbled and fell on the floor. "I'm good..."

Arriving at the Sword Flames training dojo, Algería's boys prepared for the battle. "Let's get started then. The Sword Flames vs. the Beigoma Team." The four looked at Xander and Yugo. "Wait a minute, where is the rest of your team?" "Yes, we are two more than you" "So you haven't noticed me yet" The four looked around when they heard a strange voice. "Well...do I hear voices already?" "Weird...I heard them too." Valt paled. "A ghost?!" "Nonsense ghosts don't exist...right?" Honcho looked at Xander. "A ghost? Well, that's almost right" "There are ghosts?!" Valt suddenly heard footsteps behind him. He slowly turned around and..."WAAAH!!!" He stumbled back a few steps when a boy with light blue hair stood directly in front of him. "What the...?!" "Who is this guy?" The stranger stepped closer to Valt again. "Nice to meet you. They call me Ukyo Ibuki" "You belong to the Sword Flames?" "And where have you been all this time?" "Hung around like this...sometimes here...sometimes there. You can call me the dojo's secret weapon. Here I'm more commonly known as 'Shadow Walker'" "The Shadow Walker?" "You know, the Shadow Walker doesn't like to show himself. So we don't know where he is ourselves." "You know, this may seem strange to you, but I was with Xander the whole time and watched you" "You were spying on us?" "I'm shocked but also fascinated" "He has ninja skills" "Samurais and ninjas, a great team, aren't they?" "Yes! Now the battle is getting even scarier" "Okay, let's start" "What? But you're still two too few. There are at least five of us" "And when should I have joined the club?" Valt looked at his best friend. "Oh come on! You really belong with us after all." Shu smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry. We can do it with three" "I don't think so" "Come on. Every sport is played with two teams that have the same number of players" "Sorry, but that's how we usually do it " "Usually, yes? And can you follow your actions with sayings...I meant sayings with actions" "Easy Honcho, easy! I didn't come here to make a fool of myself" "I KNOW THAT!" Algería sighed. Why was she friends with these guys again? "Anyway! Let's get started"

Honcho took a deep breath. "Well then. In this team battle we play king on the court" "What are the rules?" "Simple. One balder per team. If one blader on the team loses, another takes their place. The battle ends when there are no more bladers left on a team." The three boys grabbed their starters. "I'll start" "What? I thought I'd start" Daigo stepped forward. "I'll start" "Daigo?" "I don't hear a better suggestion from anyone" "What are you talking about?" "This Ukyo said earlier that he was watching us, so you and Rantaro are out of the question. Since he hasn't seen me or Algería battle, one of us should go and I think it's a lot better that way, isn't it?" Daigo looked at Algería, who nodded. "Yeah, makes sense" "Leave that to me" "Well, we have an order too, Ukyo you start"

"Well then. With this king in place, the Sword Flames will play against the Beigoma Academy. Ukyo, the Sword Flames' first blader Ukyo will take on Daigo Kurogami." "Defeat him, Daigo" "Winning is great, of course, but let us have some leftovers!" "I can't promise anything" Daigo took his Doomscizor. "So this is Dark Doomscizor" "What do you know about him?" "He's strong and fast. He's hard to predict and even harder to defeat." "I'm glad you don't underestimate him. My Dark Doomscizor is a strong opponent." "I don't doubt that either, but whether he can hold up against my Bey" Ukyo showed them his bey. "This is Uber Unicrest" "We'll see about that" "Let's get started. Ready? On your marks!" "3,2,1 Let it rip" The two pulled their launcher chains and their two beys landed in the arena. Uber Unicrest moved toward the center but didn't capture it. Doomscizor made his rounds at the edge of the arena. The first battle against a new opponent was always there to get to know the other's bey better. Attack, defense, stamina, balance... Every bey had its strengths and weaknesses. Finding them, however, was not easy.

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