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The training was pretty bumpy but Algería was sure she was up for it. She was nervous, more nervous than ever. Until now, she hadn't struggled with that, but the battle against Lui was important to her. Valt and Shu already finished their battles and won against both Wakiya and Xander. "Algería Warau? Your fight starts in 2 minutes" The girl took her bey out of her pocket and looked at her. "Fuerza..."

She was enveloped in red again and finally looked into the face of Fuerza.

>Are you afraid?< "No...not afraid...but I don't know if I'm able to...win this battle" >You doubt yourself? You're not like that< Algería looked at the demon. >You were always optimistic and we both trained so hard...How can you be afraid of failing?< "I...I don't know...What if this battle affects my future? What if I don't get a chance to be as good as Lui?" >You never will, because you're not him. You have your own methods, and so does Shirosagi. There will always be a difference between you. Your goal is to get stronger and become one of the best in the world, not to be as strong as Shirosagi. He's not getting any weaker either, so you should set smaller goals before you tackle the big one. Just think about what your next step is. What do you want to do when this national championship is over?< "I want to get into the world league" >But do you think you can do it overnight?< "...No.." >Then think of a way how to achieve this goal. How can you become stronger yourself and how can I help you? If you know these answers, you can reach the big goal more easily<

Algería was back in the here and now. None of this made her situation any easier. The redhead shook her head and left the waiting area. She didn't have time to worry about it anyway. She had a battle ahead of her which she couldn't lose. It didn't take long and she was on stage facing her best friend. They said nothing. As Algería reached for Fuerza and her launcher, she noticed that her hands were shaking a little. She took a deep breath and twisted her bey on her launcher.


Algería looked to the side where the stands were. Although they were far away, she could hear her friends well. Valt and Honcho kept cheering her on and Daigo, Ken and Shu all looked like crossing their fingers for her too. Algería focused again on their battle. "First battle! Ready? On your marks" "3,2,1 Let it rip" They launched their beys and Fuerza and Luinor raced through the arena. However, Fuerza wobbled a bit and wasn't nearly as fast as Luinor. He caught up with Fuerza within seconds and threw her out of the arena. "Lost Luinor with a Ring Out Finish. Lui Shirosagi gets a point" Algería looked at Fuerza who had landed behind her. She bent down and picked her up, hands still shaking.

"What was that?!" Algería turned around. "What do you mean?" "Are you kidding me?!" Lui was visibly angry. "Why should I?" "You are weak!" "I'm not!" "Yes, you are! You're not the least bit focused on the battle and you bladed like a beginner" "Why are-" "That's just ridiculous! If you're not on it, you can give up right away" "I totally agree of the matter! After all, I want to defeat you!" "Ha! Don't talk nonsense! The Algería that wants to beat me doesn't lose after five seconds! She fights and gives everything but I don't see anything of her here. I've been waiting for this battle for a long time but you just disappoint me" Algería clenched her hands into fists. "I've been waiting a long time for this battle too and" "Do you actually know how much this battle actually means to me? You accompanied me for almost six years! I battled for you for almost six years and gave everything so that you can be proud! You looked up to me and that motivated me! You were the reason why I trained hard and why I'm here today! Not because I wanted to protect you but because you were my role model. Although it wasn't always easy for you, you always did what you liked and I wanted to do that too! You're not really the way you are! You're a much better blader and you always have a lot more fun than you do now. I don't know what's on your mind but that doesn't matter right now! The only thing that matters here and now is that you take this battle serious and that you just focus on it! You told me you wanted to beat me and I know, how ambitious you can be but for that you have to forget everything that prevents you. So stop your concerns and have fun"

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