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The friends from the Bey Club were sitting on the roof of their school. "The opponents of the second round have been announced" Toko turned the tablet in his hands so that the screen could be seen. "Valt's opponent is Quon Limon and Algí's opponent is...Ken" The redhead looked up from her bey. "Whoever wins this round goes to the round before the semifinals" "Algí...If you win this...Then..." "I know" Valt looked at the screen. "Then what? What happens then?" "Not that important" Algería stood up. "How about a battle, Valt?" "Yes, I'd love to." Valt stood at the arena. Algería also approached the arena and the two got into position. "Ready? On your mark" "3,2,1 Let it rip" The group practiced until late afternoon. In the evening Algería had another training session with Lui. "Valtryek with a Burst Finish" Valt fell to the floor and shoved. "All right...Who wants next...?!" Daigo and Honcho were also sitting exhausted on the floor. The redhead sat on the bench and looked at her phone. "What are you looking at?" Algería looked down at Valt across her screen. "Nothing important..." The blue-haired boy sat up and looked at the girl's phone. She couldn't respond quickly, so Valt was able to read the email. "What is that? An invitation? What for?" The other two pricked up their ears and approached the two. "Are these bey clubs?" "What does that mean...? You're going to leave us?"

Algería sighed. "I have to do something after school, don't I? This is my and your last year here and then it was with the Beigoma Academy Bey Club. We won't go to this school anymore and that's why I want another club. This is one of the invitations I've received the last few days" "And have you already decided where you'll go?" "Not quite yet but there are two I have to choose between...either SB Rios or Top Wand" "And how far are they from here?" "SB Rios is in Brazil, Top Wand in Germany... It's definitely a few kilometers from here" "And you're sure you want to go?" "I have no choice but to Valt" He looked at her. "I want to play in the world leagues...Against the world's strongest bladers so I can't stay here" "So you've already decided to go?" "Be honest with yourself, you also want to get better and challenge stronger opponents, don't you? You can't stay in a school club for that. You'll definitely have a chance to join a club soon that improves your power and who knows, maybe we'll meet again then" "You think so?" Algería got up. "Sure" She grabbed her bag and started walking. "No matter where we are, we will always be friends and a team." She raised her hand and left the group to go to the training center.


Day 2 of the individual matches of the state championship. The battles were even more intense than the first round. Lui, as before, progressed to the next round quickly. Valt, Shu and Algería had their own problems. Valt was still unsure about blading. It wasn't as bad as days before, but still not as good as it was before the loss to Lui. Shu had the problem, aside from the pain in his arm, that someone was trying to sabotage his start. However, Shu won the battle after launching left-handed and blind. Risky but successful. Now it was Algerías turn. It was the battle against Ken. The whole thing had advantages and disadvantages, after all, the two knew how the other bladed.

"The second B-block fight will be between former friends: Algería Warau vs. Ken Midori"

The two entered the stage. "It's an honor to officially fight you" "I agree with you" "I hope you won't hold back because of us" "We're friends and we'll always be friends, but not in the arena. It's all or nothing" Algería turned Fuerza to her launcher. "You're right." Ken turned Kerbeus to his starter. "First battle. Ready? On your mark!" "3,2,1 Let it rip" They pulled the chains and started the battle. Kerbeus immediately took the center. "Attack Fuerza" Fuerza shot towards the center and attacked Kerbeus. Fuerza launched a barrage of attacks. Kerbeus was beaten back and forth, there was no way out. "Hold on, Kerbeus!" Kerbeus was able to push off Fuerza. "Go, Fuerza. Fire Strike" Fuerza shot back and hit Kerbeus again. Kerbeus flew out of the arena and landed on the ground. "Fire Fuerza with a Ring Out Finish. Algería Warau gets a point"

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