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Team Battle Finale...It was a tough road but the five members of the Beigoma Academy Bey Club made it. It was exactly a few days until the finals and so the team was in the process of training...well at least that was the plan.

"You're in the Team Battle final now, so we thought we'd make an exclusive video about your ascent, it's called: 'The way to the final' What do you say? Are you participating?" Momoko and her team, who edited both the school newspaper and the school's website, wanted a detailed interview with the individual members of the Bey Club team. "Right now it's pretty inappropriate to do an interview. After all, we have to train" "You have to do it" "Exactly, for the fans" "Your decision, captain" Valt looked at his friends. "I have to decide that?" "Of course. It's part of the job after all!" The blue-haired thought. "You decide and we train" "Let us know when you've decided" "We trust you" "Yes, good luck with the whole thing" As Valt used to say, he said yes to the interview and as captain he of course did it Beginning.

The camera was trained on him and he was stiff as a board again. "Hello, I'm Valt Aoi, the captain of the Beigoma Academy Bey Club. How did we get to the finals of the Team Battles, you're wondering? It's like this: The power of everyone is united in me. Like an energy drink with all the flavors. I feel all the power! WAAAH!!" "Cut! Erase that! Back to squares but do it better this time!" "Take deep breaths and relax. Imagine having a battle"

The rest of the team and Valt's siblings stood next to them and watched Valt. "Don't forget to smile Valt!" "Yes and stand up straight" "Quiet is pretty much the last thing he is before a fight" "No improvisation will help either" "Honcho you're next" Honcho tensed. "Uhhhh...yes sir" "Don't say you have stage fright too" "Ha...Of course" "We're ready!" "Come!" Honcho took off like a robot, tripped and fell to the ground. That could still be something.

"It's no secret. Valt beat me in the district and in the regionafff- Ah bit my tongue" "Back to the regional again. You lost to Valt there again, isn't that right?" "It's not always about who wins! Also, Valt and I have known each other for a long time" "So you guys are friends?" "More than that! We're rivals" "That sounds more like he's your trainer, teaching you how to fight" "What?!" "And Cut!" "Wait! Shouldn't I tell you anything about my victories? After all, I have a reputation to uphold" "Okay guys, let's go to the next location" Without saying a word, the others left. "Let's go to the training center" "Listen to my story!" "I can't wait to interview Shu. People will tune in just because of him" "People deserve to know about my hidden qualities!"

It was a disaster but it was the captain's decision. "The members of the Beigoma Academy Bey Club have now arrived at the stadium where the training center is located. Rumor has it that they want to practice a little there before the final starts." "It's huge! What are we waiting for?! Let's go in" "The highly specialized training center is equipped with the best training equipment" "It should be noted that only select bladers are allowed to train in it" "All right! We've made it this far! What do you think? Let's get started?" "Sure" "And cut! We'll continue as soon as we get to the training center" Instead of training, they had to be set up like puppets and filmed. At least Valt and Honcho weren't that excited anymore.

"Look! There are Rideout" The team looked up to see their opponents entering the training center. "What do they want here?" "I heard they always come here to train. It's also said that Lui Shirosagi should come over more often" "Oh man! We're going to spy on these guys! Yaaaay" Valt ran up to the building. "Hey wait! You can't go until we yell 'Action'!" "We should go after him or we'll never find him again" The group followed Valt and soon they all arrived at the training room. "Unbelievable!" "What are you doing here?" "They came here to spy on us" The Rideout boys weren't exactly happy to see them. "Chill out" "Like we knew you were here" "Anyway. Just don't get in our way and we'll get along" "Ditto, dude. We train properly here" "You wouldn't even can keep up with our easiest training" "No more" "Kyo, save that for the fight" "You're right" "Honcho" "Fine"

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