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The whole situation was tense when Lui entered the stage. Everything around him was calm. Both his performance and the words he said to Shinki silenced everyone. "Excuse me, did I miss something? I deserve my place here like everyone else" "Maybe but your time here is over" "Meaning what?" "You make rookie mistakes. You doubted you could defeat a Blader like him" "To be honest, he's no lightweight" "Once you treat your opponent like a hero, you've exposed your weakness. You've given up!" "But I can win" "Your performance proved the opposite. No chance" "Enough" Gabe entered the stage. "Is that all that's left of Rideout?" "Nothing is ever certain in a team battle" "Very enlightening. Thanks for the information" Lui turned around. "Wait, I need to talk to you"

"Lui! I challenge you to a battle! Right here and now" Lui looked at Valt but left without saying a word. Shu went back to his team. Valt was still angry. He was pacing, grumbling and making other annoyed noises. "He can't treat other people like that! Someone has to teach him a lesson" "Something tells me he's going to fight fourth battle" "Totally" "Yes?" "Think about it, he hasn't fought in any battles yet and suddenly he appears out of nowhere" "Then I'll go up next!" "Wait... Shouldn't Algí take him over?" Valt looked at the redhead. She had crossed her arms and thought, "Algí?"

"So you want to join in after all...change of mind?" "Wrong" "Then why are you here?" "Is it something to do with that girl?" "Yes, her behavior before was strange." "It's none of your business what happened between her and me!" "It's enough. This is my business." Lui looked at the other team. "So? Why are you here?" "It was just a one-time thing" Lui walked off. "I'll send you out next, Lui." The blue-haired stopped and looked back. "Who says I'm going?"

//Shu wants revenge on Lui for what he did to him in the last state championship...Valt wants to defeat him to show him that he can't disrespect his friends...and I...I want the old Lui back...//

Algería closed her eyes and thought. What was the best decision? "Valt...?" "Yes?" She looked at him. "It's your decision, Captain" Valt grinned. "May I ask for a round of applause, the fourth fight goes to: Valt Aoi" Valt scanned his launcher. Shu looked at Algería. "Are you sure?" "We can't stop him either way." He nodded and smiled a little. "And who do you think will be lining up for Rideout" "It'll be Lui! I'm sure of it" "They'll announce it soon enough" "It doesn't matter who you're up against. You have to win it for the team" "And for Algería"

"Now for the fourth battle. Valt Aoi competes for the Beigoma Academy Bey Club"

Valt entered the stage. //I have to win it! Algí is counting on me//

"Let's see Rideout! Who will it be?"

The monitors above the arena displayed information to the Blader.

"It's him! Lui Shirosagi is finally going to fight!"

Lui stepped onto the stage. "Come on! I know why you're here, so let's get started!" Lui said nothing. "I'll prove to you that I'm not a bad Blader" Valt took Valtryek. "Let's show him buddy" "Buddy yeah? You're so extremely immature" "Valtryek and I have gotten stronger together since we started! He's my partner" "If you say" Lui took his bey.

"There it is! Lui Shirosagi's Bey! The one and only Lost Luinor"

The two twisted their beys to their launchers. "Ready? On your marks" "3,2,1 Let it rip" The Beys landed in the arena and while Valtryek was spinning clockwise, Luinor was spinning counter-clockwise. Luinor aimed for a direct hit, but Valtryek dodged at the last second. "Just like that!" Valtryek picked up speed. "Time for your Super Awakening" Valtryek pushed off the edge and shot straight at Luinor. When they met, it was Valtryek who burst. "Lost Luinor with a Burst Finish. The score is three to three" Lui took his bey out of the arena and left. "My Super Awakening was totally useless...Lui is even stronger than I've expected" Valt looked up. "Wait!" Lui didn't respond. "Stop!" Valt ran after him but tripped and fell on his face. When he got up again, he looked at Lui. "Luinor is really incredible! You really live up to your reputation! How about another battle?" Lui just kept going. "Where are you going?"

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