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The final of the district championship passed faster than expected. After Valt's victory over Algería, it was Shu's battle against Orochi Ginba. However, things turned out differently than Shu had hoped. Through Valt's chatter, the friends found out that Shu had injured himself and had to take it easy for his battle. Valt believed his best friend that it was just a harmless strain, but Algería knew that Shu played it all down and was actually in more pain than he admitted. She knew the behavior of the albino all too well from her best friend. Despite the fact that he was probably worse off than he admitted, Shu won his semi-final fight and moved to the final after Valt. Eventually Valt also realized that Shu's injury was worse than expected, but Shu didn't allow the blue-haired boy to emerge from the finals and so the day of the finals came. An exciting fight in and of itself, but Shu put a lot of strain on his shoulder, making his injury worse. But there was a short-term solution because the group met Xander Shakadera before the battle. Not only was he a member of the Supreme Four, like Shu was, but he was also a good old friend of Valt and Shu. From some good information, from confidential sources, Algería knew, among other things, that Xander's grandfather was a good doctor and that Xander had learned a lot from him. For Shu the best solution to end the fourth battle with a burst and win the final.

But the joy of Shu's victory didn't last long. Because just a few days later, the troops received the next shocking news. "The point is, we have to leave school" "What ?!" "A new tour will start soon" "And we have to change schools" "No...That won't work" "We'd prefer not to have to go" "We'd like to be a member of this team" "You can't go..." "It's not like...as if I want to leave you...We are friends after all" Ken had to leave the school and thus the group because of the theater that his family put on. A shock to the remaining four, but unfortunately there was nothing they could do about it. It ended with Ken saying goodbye to his friends the next day. But despite the move, everyone knew they would remain friends forever.

The farewell was difficult and yet it had to go on for Algería, Valt, Honcho and Daigo. However, the next problem was not long in coming. Shu hasn't been at school for the last few days. The friends were looking for him and thanks with the help of Xander they knew where Shu was. They took the train towards the mountains, where the family dojo of the Shakadera family was and where Shu was treated by Xander's grandfather.

They arrived at the station where they had to get off. The fresh air wafted around their noses. "Madness" "We shouldn't waste any time. Come on, follow me" Xander led the way and the others followed him. "We have to go up the mountain, so be careful where you step" The four looked up. The mountain was huge. "...Up there ?!" Xander took Toko and Nika onto his shoulders. "Come on" While Algería, Valt, Honcho and Daigo looked as if they had been on the road for days, Xander jumped lightly from stone to stone. "Jesus..." "Don't be exhausted" "Yeah, don't be exhausted" "Sorry, I'm not a mountain goat" The boys went weak halfway through. Algería, on the other hand, tried as best she could to keep up with Xander. "How's she doing it?" "You are really clever" Algería caught up with Xander. "I've already had some hard training sessions behind me, so climbing a little mountain shouldn't hurt either" "I can understand that. He's always been very intense when it comes to training. Maybe they should do a training session like that too," Algería saw to her three friends. "Yes" She laughed a little.

"I can't anymore...I need a brea-aaah" Valt disappeared from Algeria's field of vision. "Valt?" "Ha! He fell into a hole" Honcho laughed. "I'm fine" Daigo and Honcho helped Valt out of the hole. "Traps?" "So it's always a challenge" Xander softened a tree trunk that was racing towards the five at top speed. "Waaah!" Algería barely managed to jump aside while Valt tried to run away in a panic, which only led to his falling back into the hole. "This forest is horrible!" After Valt was out of the hole again, the ascent continued. Valt was not protected from the traps and was followed, among other things, by a rolling rock, almost riddled with bamboo and arrived completely exhausted. He fell on the floor. "Tell me we're up" "Not yet, but it's only a few stairs. So, up with you" "Only a few stairs then?" Valt got up and looked up the stairs. "Only a few?!" It was a few hundred steps. Valt pulled himself together and they went up the stairs.

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