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Algería was outside but it didn't bother her. Of course she would have preferred to get to the semifinals and win the thing, but she accepted her loss. Instead, she helped Valt with his training because his battle was against Zac and Shu's opponent was Lui. Algería knew the two had fought each other in the last national championship and Shu had lost. On one hand, she would be happy for Shu if his hard training paid off...On the other hand, of course, she also wanted Lui to make it to the final. So she decided to go about it neutrally and focus more on Valt. In his battle against Xander, the blue-haired had made a new start, the Sprint Boost.

"There's only one way to defeat Zacs Solar Boost! It rhymes with Schrint Schmoost. Do I need to be clearer?" "Wait...let me think...what does it rhyme with?" "The move you used to defeat Xander! Do you remember?" "No...I need more details" Looked like Valt was serious. "Look here" Toko handed his brother the tablet that showed Valt's last battle. At the start, Valt had backed up a bit and hopped forward. "Man am I good" "You really don't remember that?" "Nah" "Then it was just instinctive" "Probably, how else could I forget something so brilliant? Alright! I'll try again it again" Valt handed the tablet back and stood away from the arena. He took Valtryek and his launcher. "3,2,1" He jumped forward a bit on each number, but on the one he was still a long way off the arena. "I think...He was serious when he said he doesn't remember" "That's my cue! Time for Sprint Boost Training" Valt backed off a bit. "See that line over there, that's where you have to land" Honcho pointed to a line in front of the arena with his fan. "All right" Valt tried again and again, but couldn't get it right. Either his jumped were too short or he didn't manage to land Valtryek in the arena.

"I don't understand...What am I doing wrong?" The sun was setting and the four friends were still on the roof of their school. Valt lay on the floor while the others sat around the arena. "We just have to find out what you did differently in the battle against Xander" "Of course that's easier said than done" "I have to find out the secret, then I can even win against Zac's Solar Boost" Valt got up. "All right! I'll try it again!" Valt took some steps back again. The others had also stood up. "Ready?" The training claimed some more time and nerves. Valt had to pull off the move or his shot at the finals was gone.

It was the day of the semifinals and what to say? Things weren't going well for Valt. His Sprint Boost wasn't perfect yet, so Valt didn't use it and Zac was a much stronger opponent than expected. The first battle went to Zac after a few seconds with a ring out finish.

"Oh Valt..." Algería sat in a training room and watched the battle on the monitor. A thick rope slammed to the ground behind her. "He's come a long way, but at some point every lucky streak ends." "And what about yours?" "Are you comparing me to that rookie right now?" "Valt is not a rookie, nor is he on a lucky streak. He knows how to blade, it just takes him time to figure it out for himself. Don't underestimate him."

For his second battle, Valt risked everything and started with his Sprint Boost. Valtryek landed in the arena and everything went well. It was so good that Valt won with a Ring Out Finish.

Algería sighed with relief. "Well done and now win the next battle too. I know you can do it"

And again Valt used his Sprint Boost. As it was pretty obvious, Zac used a new start with Zudron being even faster. Valtryek, on the other hand, wobbled and flew out of the arena again. Luckily the battles in the semifinals went down to three points otherwise that would have been it for Valt. And also in the fourth battle Valt used his new start. Valtryek moved fast and her attacks were strong but they didn't scratch Zudron a bit but Valt didn't give up, neither did Valtryek. Their attacks intensified, but Zudron didn't lose speed, while Valtryek did.

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