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Algería wiped her cheeks before entering the apartment. "You're late" Taiya came out of the kitchen when she heard someone locking the apartment. "Sorry..." Algería slipped off her shoes. "Are you hungry? I cooked your favorite meal" "No..." The girl walked past her mother. "Everything okay?" "Yep..." And the door was closed. The redhead threw her bag in the corner of her room and fell into bed. She sighed and buried her face deeper into her pillow. She could hear the door to her room being opened and her mother coming in. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" Taiya sat down on the bed. "No..." "Would you like to at least tell me where you've been and why you came home so late?" Algería hesitated a little at first. "You know Zac, don't you?" "Yes, you told me about him" "We were invited to his party...A meeting like this with all the teams from Team Battles" "It's great, isn't it?" Algería shook her head. "And why not?"

She sat up and drew her legs in. "It was funny at first...Then I saw Lui again" "Lui? The boy you always talked about?" Algería looked at her mother. "You heard me?" "I've had less time because of my work but that doesn't mean I wasn't interested in you." The girl lowered her gaze. "And what was so bad about it? I thought you were friends" "We are too...well at least I think so...but Lui was so different...not like back then" "What do you mean by that ?" "I don't know...But he's not himself anymore" "And that makes you sad?" "Yeah...he's my big brother after all" Taiya was a little surprised, then smiled and stroked her daughter's head. The girl looked at her mother. "Then you have to help him find himself again" "What do you mean?" "You know what he was like before, don't you?" "Of course! Nobody knows him better than me" "Then show him how he was before" "And how should I do that?" "Remind him what Beyblade is about." Algería looked at her mother in surprise. Taiya smiled at her. "Are you hungry now? There are fried potatoes" "Yes!" "Come with me then"


The day of the second round of the team battle of the state championship was approaching.

"Today's Battle will be between two intense teams: The boys from the Beigoma Academy Bey Club versus the Sword Flames!"

The teams went to their corner and selected the bladers of the first three rounds. "So Captain? Who's going out?" "So the first one is Algí, then I would say Shu and finally Daigo" "Are you sure?" "Safer than ever" The four looked at each other and the chosen three scanned their starters.

"Let's see who will represent their teams. From the Beigoma Academy Bey Club it's Algería Warau, Shu Kurenai and Daigo Kurogami. And from the Sword Flames it's Xander Shakadera, Ukyo Ibuki and Yugo Nansui."

"I've been thinking and I've come up with a lot of strategies for you guys." Valt held a notebook in his hands. "While you're fighting, I can think of more strategies then." "That sounds good. Let's see." Valt opened the notebook. "Tadaaa" The four looked at the open pages. "What is that?" "Don't tell me..." "Do we have to recognize something?" "This is Xander. I know you can tell by his teeth. I'm sure they'll save the best for last." "Do you get what a three point fight is all about? When the first two bladers win with a burst and ring out or Survivor Finish, the third won't compete, so that means Xander probably won't be the last" "Huh?" "Xander will probably line up first. Which one of us is going?" "Ladies first I would say" "Wouldn't mind if you go" Algería nodded and scanned her launcher.

"The bladers in the first round are: Algería Warau and Xander Shakadera"

"I figured you wouldn't give up that easily" "I'm just not like that and I'll never be like that. When I set myself goals, I want to achieve them" "Ready? On your mark!" The two twisted their beys to their launchers and went into position. "3,2,1 Let it rip" The Beys landed in the arena. "Here we go!" "Don't Hold Back" The Beys clashed. It was a fierce exchange of blows and the two pushed each other out of the way. "Show them what you've got, Fuerza" The red smoke reappeared, surrounding Blader and Bey. "It's about time Xcalius. Double Saber" Xcalius charged. "Fire Strike" Fuerza attacked with a counter and the two beys slammed into each other. They flew up and out of the arena. Both beys flew towards the ground where Xcalius burst.

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