vii. chaos

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GERMANY — 2016

AFTER NOAH HAD UNWRAPPED BUCKY AND SAM FROM THAT WEBBING, they all made their way towards their teammates, who seemed to be rushing after Tony's Quinjet.

The trio caught up with their teammates, each of them running as fast as they possibly could. They didn't exactly want to bump into Stark and his little friends, did they?

Just as the team almost got to the Quinjet, a yellow laser was shot right in front of them all, forming a permanent line in the concrete.

They all halted within their tracks, not expecting to be interrupted by a laser. Then, they looked up, only to see Tony's android, Vision.

Vision looked down at them all, preventing the yellow stone in his head from shooting any more lasers.

"Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right."

As Vision spoke, Tony and his recruits had landed right in front of Steve and his team. They all now stood face-to-face with each other.

Vision continued on, "but, for the collective good, you must surrender now."

Now, Tony and his team were all stood face-to-face with Steve and his team. They all just stared at each other, unsure on what to do at this point.

"What do we do, cap?" Sam asked.

"We fight."

And with those words, Steve began to firmly walk towards his former friends, his team beginning to follow from behind.

"This is gonna end well." Natasha murmured.

Then, Tony and his recruits began to walk forwards as well.

Each step the heroes took, their walking pace only sped up, to the point where they were running.

"They're not stopping!" Peter said.

"Neither are we." Tony responded.

And now, everybody was practically charging towards each other, determined to bring the team they were against down.

Noah was extremely hesitant on having such a big fight with so many people. But, he couldn't exactly turn back now, could he?

His fingers twitching, he tilted his head to the side. He could feel blue electricity slowly forming around his entire body now. He didn't normally use this much electricity all at once, but he had to, especially if he was going to participate in a fight like this.

All of a sudden, the two teams clashed together. Each of them fought one another. Now, most of them weren't hesitant on fighting. They were determined if anything.

Noah couldn't even battle against a specific person as there was way too much going on at once. Flying cars. Laser beams. Spider webs. Way too much.

It was all just fucking chaos.

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