xxi. the pool

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the pool


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Currently, Noah and most of the decathlon team were all stood in the empty hallways of the hotel they were supposed to be staying inside of during the competition.

Liz and some of the others had planned to sneak into the swimming pool at night, when the pool wouldn't be so packed.

Noah didn't want to go. He just thought that he could be doing other things than just swimming. Besides, water and electricity don't make a good mix, right?

He was considering it, though. Each and every time Liz and the others had tried to convince him to come along with them, he just wanted to go.

"I'm sure."

Liz and the others began to sneakily walk off, some of them giving Noah little waves as they trotted away.

Noah had completely changed his mind last minute. He actually wanted to go, now. So, he followed Liz from behind, grabbing onto her arm to hold her back.

Liz felt Noah touch her arm. She turned around at the sudden touch, her lips curling into a friendly smile as she halted within her footsteps.

"What is it, Noah?" She asked.

Noah tilted his head to the side ever so slightly, glancing off to the side. He pressed his lips into a thin line, scratching the back of his neck for a moment.

"I kind of changed my mind." He told. "I wanna go."

Liz's face brightened up after such a response. Her smile was wider, the flecks within her brown eyes were filled with happiness.

"Great." She replied. "Just meet us down there once you're ready, 'kay?"

"Yeah. Will do."

And with those words, Liz rushed off, quickly catching up with the others. They all shared quiet laughter, attempting to keep their voices low as it was extremely late at night.

Noah watched them walk away, that was until they were out of complete sight. He turned around on his heels once they were gone, wandering towards his hotel room, which he had decided to share with Michelle.

He was planning on getting ready for the swimming pool as fast as he possibly could, hoping to not disappoint his friends by arriving way too late.

He continued to walk forwards, glancing around. He thought as though the hotel at night was just completely lifeless and creepy, which actually made him feel anxious.

Then, all of a sudden, right before Noah's eyes, a hotel room door swung open. Somebody stepped out, almost bumping into Noah along the way.

Noah held himself back from letting out a startled scream. He wasn't that dramatic, but he thought that this place was so goddamn freaky. He finally looked over at the person, only to see Peter.

Peter also looked over at Noah, the hood on his hoodie pulled over his head. He took a moment to admire Noah and all of his movements before even speaking.

"Oh, uh, hey, Noah."

"Not made a cute nickname for me yet?" Noah whispered.

"Uh, I'll hold onto that thought." Peter nervously laughed underneath his breath. "What are you doing out here at this time?"

"I'm going swimming with the others." Noah responded. "I have to ask you the same thing. Why are you also out here at this time?"

Peter began to seem extremely suspicious. He was swaying around on his two feet, gently fiddling with his fingers as he began to speak.

"I was, uh- I was gonna go study, um, in the business centre."

"Do you not want to come swimming with me, then?"

"Well, uh, I-"

"Or we can not go swimming and I can show you my guitar?" Noah interrupted.

Peter was blushing at this point. He glanced to the side, attempting to hide his flustered expression. He thought that it was so adorable of how Noah always thought of him.

"Noah, I-I'd love to, but I gotta do something really important." He explained.

Noah was extremely disappointed. He gently placed his hands behind his back, nodding his head as he gently pressed his lips into a thin line.

"I, uh- I understand." He said. "See you later, spinne."

"See you, Noah."

And with those words, Noah walked right off. Peter's chocolate brown eyes following all of Noah's movements until he was completely out of sight.

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